"Cheat Day"?

Do you guys have a once a week day where you eat what you want (within reason of course) and don't think too hard about it? I had one of those days today and for once I'm not beating myself up too badly. It's not like I sat down and ate 27 pieces of cake or anything. I just didn't work out but went ahead and ate decent meals. Just wondering if anyone else does this? I don't like to use the phrase "cheat day" though...it implies that we are doing something terrible.


  • Sleekit
    Sleekit Posts: 80 Member
    I don't do my regular work outs on the week end and I allow myself a few extra hundred calories. Mostly because I like to have a couple beers or something along those lines on the week end. Don't feel bad about it. I don't call it cheat day. I just say my days off haha. It always motivates me to work harder during the week and gives my muscles a rest. I don't go overboard on my days off though. Everything within reason.
  • aspire2bfit
    I like a Cheat Day! I usually don't get too off course....I think it's a good thing to do!
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404
    I feel that "cheat days" are essential to my mental well-being!

    *Please share your cake with me!!
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    I don't do intentional "cheat days". I know people that will ease up every Saturday, etc. I prefer to just try to do my best, but if I have a day where I go off the rails, I don't beat myself up about it. I don't make excuses, but I don't consider it the end of the world.
  • jarrodc
    jarrodc Posts: 102
    They're certainly fun. But they've never helped me lose weight in any way.

    From experience, binging seems more like giving up than doing something to "help" you lose weight. Unless your following a special diet which for whatever reason *requires* you to cheat in order to gain some technical advantage (ie. if you're a body builder and your doing something I don't understand, or if you're doing intermittent fasting, which I've heard people have success with).. Though truthfully all the times I've cheated, it was pretty much because I wanted to eat junk and I was at a morale low point.

    There's my nothing held back, honest answer.
  • Bikini_Bound150
    Bikini_Bound150 Posts: 461 Member
    I don't plan them, but when I do go over my calories one day, I will work extra hard the rest of the week.
    I think that people who are very on track with their diets do benefit from it though because it jump starts your metabolism again and it helps for those who are afraid of feeling restricted from food.
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    I don't do intentional "cheat days". I know people that will ease up every Saturday, etc. I prefer to just try to do my best, but if I have a day where I go off the rails, I don't beat myself up about it. I don't make excuses, but I don't consider it the end of the world.

    I do that on Saturdays, but try stay with in reason.
    Last Saturday was the worst since I started MFP.
    (01-09-2012) Too many Tripels at the local tap

    The wife is pregnant, so I get an automatic DD! :tongue:
  • jarrodc
    jarrodc Posts: 102
    I don't plan them, but when I do go over my calories one day, I will work extra hard the rest of the week.
    I think that people who are very on track with their diets do benefit from it though because it jump starts your metabolism again and it helps for those who are afraid of feeling restricted from food.

    Experts seem to suggest that peoples expectations of the "metabolism boosting" effect is greatly exaggerated. (I don't know if this is true or false sorry)
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Gotta have one day a week where I don't worry about what I put in my mouth. Including several beers. Yum Yum
  • Swopkin
    Swopkin Posts: 53 Member
    I never actually plan having a cheat day, but once in a while I do allow myself a treat (usually on Sundays) and I buy myself a cupcake from the finest bakery in town. Mmmmm.
  • missyh1
    missyh1 Posts: 18
    I think a cheat day is necessary. I need to give myself permission to have a day where I am not counting every bite. It makes it easier to "behave" the other 6 days of the week.

    This especially true during football season, when my cheat day is Sunday! :wink:
  • FitnessKing8
    FitnessKing8 Posts: 15 Member
    I would imagine that everyone has those days, but you should make up for it. Usually those cheat days should only be parties or something like someones birthday etc. If you really want to lose weight and is determined enough then you will make up for those day especially if you skip a workout. You can cheat and not workout and not be mad at yourself, or at least you shouldn't. You should get that determination to push yourself even farther to make up for that.
  • jennkess
    jennkess Posts: 86
    I have a Guilt free meal- not the entire day it is usually Saturday night I do Pizza with my kids or Dinner & drinks out with my husband.

    I still log what I consume and I've learned from week to week where to adjust for next week while still enjoying the night. example- I don't eat 4 slices of pizza anymore, learned that boneless buffalo wings are 1100 calories and not really worth it and I'll try something else next time.
  • DoctorKyrina
    DoctorKyrina Posts: 130 Member
    I love my cheat days. The thing is, life is sometimes about going overboard. I don't care if there are health reasons but I would never be able to stick to generally healthy living if I had to be the person who would go to the occasional pizza party and still have only one piece of pizza, a salad, a diet soda, and no cake. I see too many people who will stare longly at bad food, binge, and then completely derail because they might as well not bother. I have my cheat day and I move on. (and for the ones who won't occasionally binge, you can see them either appear unhappy because they can never let go, or become the sort who think that never allowing one unhealthy calorie pass their lips makes them morally better.*)

    *I know some people simply don't like to have cheat days. But I've seen it generally lead to a lifestyle they can't maintain or a very controlled and unhappy life.
  • linnyrhea
    linnyrhea Posts: 105
    I will have a "cheat meal" once a week (sometimes two depending on the circumstance) but I will usually still come under my calorie goal without working out. I tried the whole "weekend off" thing and I ended up gaining back any weight I did lose during the week. Its really a learning process, everyone is different and what works for me, might not work for others. If your body can handle a whole day of "cheating", I say do it! lol.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    I love my cheat days. The thing is, life is sometimes about going overboard. I don't care if there are health reasons but I would never be able to stick to generally healthy living if I had to be the person who would go to the occasional pizza party and still have only one piece of pizza, a salad, a diet soda, and no cake.

    I don't consider that a cheat. In my world, I just plan for that in advance with what I want to eat, and then adjust the rest of my day accordingly. Of course, I'm still relatively new at all this, so I may change my methods later.
  • coopersmom2006
    I would imagine that everyone has those days, but you should make up for it. Usually those cheat days should only be parties or something like someones birthday etc. If you really want to lose weight and is determined enough then you will make up for those day especially if you skip a workout. You can cheat and not workout and not be mad at yourself, or at least you shouldn't. You should get that determination to push yourself even farther to make up for that.
    I've lost 40 lbs and am down past my original goal weight so I have determination to spare. ;) Just curious who else allows for a cheat day.
  • DoctorKyrina
    DoctorKyrina Posts: 130 Member
    I love my cheat days. The thing is, life is sometimes about going overboard. I don't care if there are health reasons but I would never be able to stick to generally healthy living if I had to be the person who would go to the occasional pizza party and still have only one piece of pizza, a salad, a diet soda, and no cake.

    I don't consider that a cheat. In my world, I just plan for that in advance with what I want to eat, and then adjust the rest of my day accordingly. Of course, I'm still relatively new at all this, so I may change my methods later.

    That's the idea, but sometimes I just want to let loose for that one meal. Sometimes unless it's all you eat for the day, and you spend the remaining day exercising, you'll just go over. It's not the ideal but I need those days.
  • coopersmom2006
    I love my cheat days. The thing is, life is sometimes about going overboard. I don't care if there are health reasons but I would never be able to stick to generally healthy living if I had to be the person who would go to the occasional pizza party and still have only one piece of pizza, a salad, a diet soda, and no cake.

    I don't consider that a cheat. In my world, I just plan for that in advance with what I want to eat, and then adjust the rest of my day accordingly. Of course, I'm still relatively new at all this, so I may change my methods later.

    That's the idea, but sometimes I just want to let loose for that one meal. Sometimes unless it's all you eat for the day, and you spend the remaining day exercising, you'll just go over. It's not the ideal but I need those days.

    That's how I'm feeling. Normally I'd freak if I went over by 100 calories but I'm trying to loosen up a bit and enjoy food again! I got to a point where I didn't even enjoy the things I was eating because I was so concerned about calories. That's not a healthy way to do things. Moderation is the key. Def moderation. :)
  • devilsangel2
    devilsangel2 Posts: 123 Member
    I don't have "cheat days" because this is not a test and only I make the rules. I do however, have days where I do not stick to my calorie limits and I don't log.

    All things in moderation..including moderation is my motto and life is for the living, so yes, I live the way I "want" to occasionally instead of the way I "should".

    Saturday used to be a major pig out day for me, but since I have upped my day to day calories I don't find myself going overboard like I was doing. It's all about finding the balance that works for you .