


  • kreat
    kreat Posts: 136
    I used to have a favorite stall but then the director of the library agreed to have instillation art in there. Imagine my surprise when I go in at my normal time to see a TREE in my favorite stall. ( I couldn't even open the door all the way) I then saw a note about invasive plants and raising awareness. I was irate. I even wrote angry letters, but the artist just replied that that was the point, for people to feel like their space had been invaded like the houses and other plants that vines grow on. UGGHHH, the tree is still there so now I climb two flights of stairs and walk to the other end of the building because I refuse to go in there until the tree is taken down.

    I know, I know, that is a bit neurotic of me but its a TREE.

    I'da pointed out that when plants get invasive on my property, I get a chansaw.

    I mentioned something about experiences with Johnson Grass, and that I didn't need more education, but I don't think the artist or my director cared.... stupid tree:grumble:

    How about getting some TP and TP the
  • kreat
    kreat Posts: 136
    I do have a favorite; the handicapped stall. It's roomy, and has another stall on only one side. What gets me is....we have 5 stalls. So when I'm in there alone, in my favorite stall, then somebody else comes in...WHY do they choose the stall right next to me? There are 4 to choose from, but they pick the one right beside an occupied stall? :huh:

    Its like going to the movie theater... You sit in the middle with 100 seats in front of you to chose from, and they sit in the row right infront of you and the seat right there in front. Its like really? all these damn seats, and you had to sit right friggin there?!!/?
  • Definitely!!! Mainly because the stalls where I go either have creaking doors, no purse hangers, no locks...very trashy. But my big stall...MINE!!!! When it's taken, I go hunt my other favorite big stall.
  • mkmacf
    mkmacf Posts: 101
    I once read that the cleanest stall is the first one (closest to the door) because so few people like to use that one. I always go for that one now. Makes public washrooms a little bit less scary.
  • Slice1
    Slice1 Posts: 193 Member
    I have a favorite stall! And it bugs me when someone's in it. It also bugs me when someone goes into the stall directly beside me when the other ones are empty. Makes me feel like we're peeing directly beside each other.

    I also have a favorite pump at the gas stations I go to. And a favorite parking spot at work...etc. And get annoyed when they are taken. appears I have a false sense of entitlement/ownership of some things in my life LOL.