Feeling blue, trying to keep motivated

HI there. I am working on this the best way I know how.. and I want to thank those who have been sooo very encouraging! I'm over 90 days into my journey to becoming healthier and it's going great (35 pounds lost). I am really sticking to eating in a way that I don't feel deprived and exercising in the amount that I know I can maintain later so that I don't gain back post-goal.
My problem: I've had a series of disappointments in my life not related to this.. and it seems like, when the wind is out of my sails emotionally, its just so much harder to stay motivated. My problems aren't huge..and they will resolve.. but for a few days I'm going to be just plain sad. Does anyone have any advice to help keep motivated during a 'down' time? Thanks.


  • Ericacastillo
    Ericacastillo Posts: 28 Member
    Always remember how you will probably feel when you reach your goal!!! ACCOMPLISHED!! and that to me is always motivation enough to stick to my diet!!! if you need friends feel free to add me i'll always be there to motivate you! =D
  • DaveRCF
    DaveRCF Posts: 266
    That's a tremendous job so far! Fantastic. Maybe you should up your calories a bit because I know that if I haven't eaten enough, I feel tired and not in the best spirits. But keep up the exercise, even if it's going for a walk on a nice Spring day. Get out in the sun! Again, congratulations on the fabulous job so far.