How do you satisfy your sweet tooth?

Yesterday evening, I had a horrible sweet tooth. What I really wanted was a Dairy Queen Reeses Blizzard. I resisted the urge, but started searching my fridge and pantry for something. I found a bag of chocolate chips and a bag of butterscotch chips. Just one Tbsp of either is around 80 calories, but it was just enough to satisfy me.

What do you do?:wink:


  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    I keep 100 calorie or less/low fat snacks in the house. I know, I know, they're processed and therefore still crap, but they save me when I'm having a craving for junkfood. ;)

    Individually wrapped Rice Crispie Squares
    Chocolate Vitatops
    Thinsations Chocolate covered pretzels
    Fat free chocolate pudding cups
    Reduced/sugar free Jello cups
  • aspire2bfit
    Have a piece of fruit, or make a fruit smoothie, seems to do it for me, plus I'm getting some nutrients.
  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    lacey's cookies from trader joes..They are evil!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    lacey's cookies from trader joes..They are evil!

    I love Trader Joe's!

    Also from TJ's - Chocolately Cat Cookies - 15 cookies for 110 calories. I try to keep a few of their small dark chocolate bars stashed away for such emergency cravings - break off a few squares and enjoy! And if I'm out of those, then a few chocolate chips and a handful of raw almonds is very satisfying. :smile:
  • treese6
    treese6 Posts: 2 Member
    :blushing: Sometimes I just buy a blizzard (small one). I just do not do it every week. Haven't had one in a while. Might treat myself this week.
  • ctychick
    ctychick Posts: 43 Member
    Ghiradelli 60% Dark Chocolate Squares. I find dark chocolate to be just enough to satisfy my sweet tooth and it's not the kind of thing that I would enjoy binging on so I can easily stop at one. Plus it helps that they are individually wrapped! I have one every single day after lunch. I forget the calorie count, but it's within reason.

    I normally have a WW fudge pop to scratch the after dinner itch. I never seem to tire of those, but DQ Blizzards they are not. :)
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    I eat sugar. I've found the stuff I have at home is miniscule in comparison to say Dairy Queen or a shake at fast food.

    One serving of Talenti Black Raspberry Dark Chocolate Gelato is only 230 calories. Best 230 damn calories you'll ever have!
  • Zepplipop
    Zepplipop Posts: 33
    I usually keep my freezer stocked with Snapple Sorbet Bars, they are delicious and only 80 calories for 3 of them, and they have all sorts of flavors. The store I shop at has a lot of different brands and flavors, starting to really like the fudge ones they have there too.
  • DBlythe50
    DBlythe50 Posts: 18
    Skinny Cow always satisfies my sweet tooth.....or frozen all natural fruit pops
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    dark chocolate, red wine, or a dessert I make myself (gluten, soy, and [mostly] added sugar free)

    Both of these are under 100 calories per serving if you follow the recipe :)
  • ctychick
    ctychick Posts: 43 Member
    lacey's cookies from trader joes..They are evil!

    I love Trader Joe's!

    Also from TJ's - Chocolately Cat Cookies - 15 cookies for 110 calories. I try to keep a few of their small dark chocolate bars stashed away for such emergency cravings - break off a few squares and enjoy! And if I'm out of those, then a few chocolate chips and a handful of raw almonds is very satisfying. :smile:

    I have zero self control when it comes to those TJ plastic buckets of little cookies. Can't have those anywhere near my house!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Right now my evening snack is 30 Almonds with 3/4 of a cup of Kellogg's Crave Double Chocolate cereal (eat them dry with the Almonds) 260 calories between the 2 and I fit it into my calories and they go good together.....
  • samb330
    samb330 Posts: 328 Member
    lowfat chocolate milk!
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    1 piece of dark chocolate....mmmmmm

    One more...bake an apple or pear with a tbs of brown sugar (or stevia/truvia) with a little oatmeal sprinkled on top. Add berries if you yummy!
  • SoBodyMazing
    Usually when i have a sweet tooth. I get a 100 calorie snack like skinny cow icecream or 100 calorie popcorn.
  • NaMeiX
    NaMeiX Posts: 2
    Dark chocolate almond milk :D only 120 calories per serving and tastes even better then regular chocolate milk
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    A piece of chocolate (not a bar). Fruit will not do the trick for me.
  • surgesilk
    surgesilk Posts: 92
    Hershey Kiss 30 calories
  • lizzus
    lizzus Posts: 21 Member
    I love to have sugar-free jello with some lite Cool Whip on top! It's only 30 cals (for 1/2 cup Jello and 2 tbsp Cool Whip) and does the trick for me. :)
  • Luv2bagramma
    Luv2bagramma Posts: 24 Member
    Pink grapefruit is my go to sweet (strange I know). My daughter swears by Weight Watchers Dark Chocolate Raspberry bars in the ice cream section. I tried them and they are nummy!!

    If you are into baking yourself, check out Devin Alexander's recipes (Healthy Decadence). Her double chocolate brownies are SUPER chocolatey and very easy to make. She eats chocolate every day!