30 Day Shred

Hello! I just bought the 30ds today and want to start tomorrow! I'm looking for a group tthat is about to start or has just recently started.Could you also tell me how to enter this exercise into my fitnesspal? What kind of meal plans have you been successful with while doing the program? I have just been watching my cals in vs cals out.... im looking to loose inches and weight ....Thanks!! :smile:


  • 2012slimjim
    2012slimjim Posts: 66 Member
    Someone posted on the success boards about a group that's started in the last couple of days - might be worth checking it out?!?

    I completed day 22 today - I log it as circuit training which seems to be what most people advise. By the end of day 10 (end of level 1) I'd lost 12 inches and 3 pounds and by the end of day 20 (so once I'd finished level 2) I'd lost 7 lbs and 20.25 inches including 3 off both my waist and hips and 5 around my belly button - the changes in inches are unbelievable. I'm sure you'll have awesome success with it.

    Level 3 I am finding hard but I am sooo excited to see the final results on this - good luck xxx
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    I am starting it today, if I can get off my butt to push play and actually do it, or tomorrow. I'm just unsure how to actually do it. One poster said 10 days straight through for each level with no rest, another said to rest 1 day a week, and yet another said 2 days of the shred, 1 day of cardio, 2 days of the shred, 1 of cardio and rest on the 7th. It's confusing to me maybe i'm making something very simple very complicated.
  • Cityperks
    Cityperks Posts: 69 Member
    Day 2 for me today, and boy am I sore :0)
    I plan on doing 2days 30DS, one day cardio. Apparently that is how it is meant to be done according to a podcast that JM did. It was in a previous post somewhere here on MFP. It sounds good to me any way!
    Good luck all!
  • 2012slimjim
    2012slimjim Posts: 66 Member
    I am just doing it straight - to be fair I'm not really doing much else - a zumba class once since I started and some very gentle walking at weekends with my family. Do it however it fits in with your lifestyle and whichever way means you'll stick to it - I vary between getting up and doing it at 6am before the children wake up and doing it whilst they are eating their tea - good luck x
  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 453 Member
    It's confusing to me maybe i'm making something very simple very complicated.

    It's exercise. However you do it will work for you. The basic guidelines are to do it 5-6 days a week.

    Take a look at a calendar. Pick a day to start and count off ten days. Complete each level within that 10 days. Try to do it 5-6 times within the first 7 days of that period taking 1-2 rest days. Then keep doing the same for each week. You'll change your level as needed.
  • i just got it sent ot me.. take before pic and we will compare after the 30 dayz
  • hnsiler
    hnsiler Posts: 25 Member
    thanks everyone! I am very excited. I just had my husband take my before pics and measurements! Wish me luck!!
  • momwhosbusy
    momwhosbusy Posts: 154 Member
    Just got mine this weekend and am planning to start tomorrow morning!
  • hnsiler
    hnsiler Posts: 25 Member
    Im starting tomorrow morning too! I see you also are a busy mom! Let me know how you make out! Im not very good at getting up in the am but its the best time before the kiddos wake up.
  • I just posted about the same thing. I'm starting tomorrow too.
  • momwhosbusy
    momwhosbusy Posts: 154 Member
    I get my 3 oldest kids out the door, get breakfast, get my 4 yr old settled into a project and then get to my work out by 7:30 or 8. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can help keep each other accountable! :happy: (I have a feeling I am going to need something to help keep me going on this )
  • Cityperks
    Cityperks Posts: 69 Member
    Okay, just did Day 2 and finished up with 20 mins of extra cardio! Yay .
  • hnsiler
    hnsiler Posts: 25 Member
    Just did day 1 level 1 this morning! :-) Wish I had more time before work this morning cause I feel great and don't want to be inside at work! I feel like being active!! oh well! maybe i can take the kiddos for a long walk later! Have a great day everyone!!
  • 2012slimjim
    2012slimjim Posts: 66 Member
    Pleased it went well for you today - 29 days to go - hope you remembered to take measurements etc x Good luck x
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    Did day 2 level 1 tonight and walked for 20 mins. Have I mentioned how much I hate pushups, jumping jacks, and the like? lol I feel better knowing it's over but I dread knowing I have to do it again tomorrow, lol
  • Ok...I didn't start the same time as everyone else but the first attempt kicked my butt I am going to try it again.
  • hnsiler
    hnsiler Posts: 25 Member
    I know how you feel, I am dreading tomorrow but...its only 20min right!!!!!??? WE CAN DO THIS! :-)
  • HoosierMomma1
    HoosierMomma1 Posts: 76 Member
    I know how you feel, I am dreading tomorrow but...its only 20min right!!!!!??? WE CAN DO THIS! :-)

    I'm in, day 1, level 1

  • Cityperks
    Cityperks Posts: 69 Member
    Day 3, done. My arms are quite sore.
    What is everyone finding the most challenging?
    For me, the cardio and abs are easy. The push ups, squat with shoulder press and the side lunges are tough. Looking forward to getting stronger :0)

    Today I ate 1750 cals. Very hungry due to TOM around the corner! Normally I would have a binge and eat 3000-4000 cals easy....of the wrong food.