Achieved a Major Milestone: "I'm sorry, Asthma. You were say

**Achieved a Major Milestone: "I'm sorry, Asthma. You were saying?.."**

I am beyond happy about today's trip to the gym. "Happy" doesn't even suffice.

Ten years ago, I was in the hospital everyday for my asthma. In fact, since I was 5, I was chronically hospitalized because of my asthma.I spent my 10th birthday week in a hospital bed with IVs, respirators, and the whole shebang. When I had asthma attacks, they were debilitating and extremely frightful. There's nothing worse than slowly feeling your airways close.

Fast forward to nowadays, and it's been well over a year since I've checked into what I used to call "my second home" -- the hospital. I haven't filled a prescription for ages. I've spent the last two years really building up my heart, lungs, endurance, and trying my best to stay healthy. This past month, I've been working on running more. Over spring break, I focused on running 1 miles straight. As of last week, I just made it to the 1 mile mark without feeling like giving up. But when it comes down to it, it's truly mind over matter.

Today, I'm proud to say that not only did I run 5k (as I did for the first time yesterday), I walked a mile, and ran another 5k.

8.2 miles total - not to mentioned that I walked back home from the gym.

A couple of years ago, I would have been wheezing at .5mile and clutching my chest. It's been over thirty minutes since I've been home from the gym and I have not wheezed once. There's no tightness, congestion, or pain. It doesn't feel like I've been running at all, apart from the usual post-run fatigue.

Thank you God for giving me the strength to run for all the times I didn't have the strength to breathe.

For those who struggle with respiratory problems, don't lose hope. For those who struggle with motivation, don't lose hope either. Workout because you actually have the strength to. Know that there are hundreds of people out there who wish they had the ability to walk, jog, run, swim, whatever. So when your at the gym, be thankful that you can do what you're doing, because you never know what the future holds.

Hope everyone had an amazing Sunday!


  • Jkmumma
    Jkmumma Posts: 254
    Congratulations. AMAZING milestone. Wonderful!

    I'm a mother of a son with Asthma, and as the one who sat with him during every single hospital stay, seeing success stories of asthma managed through fitness is wonderful.

    Makes me feel so much better about refusing to get him the wavers for his gym classes that would have gotten him out of even trying to run and telling him that he has an inhaler, he can run just as well as everyone else until his body tells him he can't.

    He still doesn't appreciate it, but he's a teenager and isn't seeing the connection between running for gym class warmups 5 days a week and him not having had a hospital stay since sixth grade.

    Sharing this with him.
    Thank you and congrats again!
  • Shayl32
    Shayl32 Posts: 7
    I'm so glad to see that someone out there knows what one goes through when it comes to asthma. I'm also very happy for your son and his health improvements.

    best wishes to you and your son

  • esphixiet
    esphixiet Posts: 214 Member
    This is wonderful, what you've done for yourself. Be proud!
  • Shayl32
    Shayl32 Posts: 7
    thank you :)
  • turbophoenix
    That is so wonderful! I've had asthma since I was 4 years old and I was told that I would "grow out of it." While it's gotten MUCH better, it's still there sometimes and, unfortunately, it's exercise induced. However, I find that the more I work at cardio the easier it gets. I hope to someday accomplish what you have!
  • anabell31
    anabell31 Posts: 268
    Wow, that's fantastic! I was diagnosed with mild asthma a few years ago but had never had a full-on attack before. I just recently got over bronchitis and made the mistake of pushing myself too hard at the gym on Monday and triggered my first attack. Scariest thing in the world...
  • AmberFaith90
    AmberFaith90 Posts: 904 Member
    That is AWESOME! Thanks for sharing this great story! Hopefully it will motivate others here! (:
  • Raddichio
    Raddichio Posts: 163 Member
    I'm so happy to hear about your successes. I've had asthma from birth and have also spent time in the hospital. However, about five years ago I saw a specialist who made some major changes in my medications and suggested other measures I should take. For several years I was hospital-free.This year, however, after a series of colds, I developed a terrible case of bronchitis. I've had pneumonia and I've had bronchitis, but--with asthma---bronchitis is the worst.

    I have slowly recovered, after being confined to bed, but this bout really scared me. I am slowly starting up a modest exercise program, so I appreciate hearing about others who have done so well.

    Anyway, as someone who knows just how big an obstacle you had to overcome to achieve what you have, I congratulate (and applaud) you.
  • 5Btieden
    5Btieden Posts: 189 Member
    I am down 30 now and wishing that mine would let up! This is one of my goals is to be rid of the asthma. But for now I have to carry that inhaler if I am going to run :( Your post gives me hope!!!
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Oh my! That is an awesome achievement!
  • teripendleton
    Wow, that's amazing. You must be so proud of yourself! My husband had asthma also and a few years ago he lost fifty pounds. Not only did he get rid of the inhaler and the disk he used to use every night, his knees stopped hurting. He became a runner starting with 5ks and eventually realized his goal and ran a marathon a couple of years ago. I'm so happy for you, congratulations and here's to many more 5ks!!!
  • mohanj
    mohanj Posts: 381 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story. I developed wheezing couple of years back and noticed that it is almost gone now as I have started doing regular exercises. Exercise and being active can make wonders to the body. I am very happy for you. You give me courage to try running also. Thanks again.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    That is wonderful! ! I have adult onset cough variant asthma. Cardio kicks my butt. You have given me hope that it will get better. Thank you.
  • teripendleton
    Congratulations. AMAZING milestone. Wonderful!

    I'm a mother of a son with Asthma, and as the one who sat with him during every single hospital stay, seeing success stories of asthma managed through fitness is wonderful.

    Makes me feel so much better about refusing to get him the wavers for his gym classes that would have gotten him out of even trying to run and telling him that he has an inhaler, he can run just as well as everyone else until his body tells him he can't.

    He still doesn't appreciate it, but he's a teenager and isn't seeing the connection between running for gym class warmups 5 days a week and him not having had a hospital stay since sixth grade.

    Sharing this with him.
    Thank you and congrats again!
  • teripendleton
    As the mom of three kids who are in their early 20's, believe me there will come a day when they do appreciate what you made them do. My 23 year old just told me the other day that she hated that I didn't let them have cokes at home and made them have bedtimes, but that she's glad I did and that she will do the same with her kids. Who would have guessed that would come from her. Lol
  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    **Achieved a Major Milestone: "I'm sorry, Asthma. You were saying?.."**

    I am beyond happy about today's trip to the gym. "Happy" doesn't even suffice.

    Ten years ago, I was in the hospital everyday for my asthma. In fact, since I was 5, I was chronically hospitalized because of my asthma.I spent my 10th birthday week in a hospital bed with IVs, respirators, and the whole shebang. When I had asthma attacks, they were debilitating and extremely frightful. There's nothing worse than slowly feeling your airways close.

    Fast forward to nowadays, and it's been well over a year since I've checked into what I used to call "my second home" -- the hospital. I haven't filled a prescription for ages. I've spent the last two years really building up my heart, lungs, endurance, and trying my best to stay healthy. This past month, I've been working on running more. Over spring break, I focused on running 1 miles straight. As of last week, I just made it to the 1 mile mark without feeling like giving up. But when it comes down to it, it's truly mind over matter.

    Today, I'm proud to say that not only did I run 5k (as I did for the first time yesterday), I walked a mile, and ran another 5k.

    8.2 miles total - not to mentioned that I walked back home from the gym.

    A couple of years ago, I would have been wheezing at .5mile and clutching my chest. It's been over thirty minutes since I've been home from the gym and I have not wheezed once. There's no tightness, congestion, or pain. It doesn't feel like I've been running at all, apart from the usual post-run fatigue.

    Thank you God for giving me the strength to run for all the times I didn't have the strength to breathe.

    For those who struggle with respiratory problems, don't lose hope. For those who struggle with motivation, don't lose hope either. Workout because you actually have the strength to. Know that there are hundreds of people out there who wish they had the ability to walk, jog, run, swim, whatever. So when your at the gym, be thankful that you can do what you're doing, because you never know what the future holds.

    Hope everyone had an amazing Sunday!

    Yaay :) that's really good. I always feel my asthma holds me back with my cardio. This post has motivated me to work harder.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    that's awesome!!

    I have asthma too. funnily, I didn't even start getting it until age 12 or 13... but it's gotten worse and worse :/

    mine is both allergy and exercise induced. I hope that I can at least improve it (since I don't think my allergies are going anywhere), it's such a bummer to be out on a run with your inhaler in your hand!!! embarressing.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    That's fantastic news!! Well done for keeping going :flowerforyou:
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