stubborn junk food addict

Hello everyone. I joined today after my therapist encouraged me to use this to help me track my diet and exercise, as I gained about 60 pounds in the past year and I'm just now getting scared enough and ready to change this body. I've always had trouble getting clothes to fit my arms, even when I was at a healthy weight. Now most of my current clothes either fit poorly or not at all and I have to buy things to fit loosely and cover my new stretch marks.
I've recently started a new job that pays very well and I can afford to buy healthy food and used exercise equipment.
That's my story. I'll try to update my profile a bit before bed.


  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    feel free to add... good luck with your journey.. and always remember you can do it if you only want it bad....
  • domesticgypsie
    domesticgypsie Posts: 14 Member
    I understand junk food addiction and emotional eating very well. Using the tracker helps tremendously. I can honestly say that getting off of the empty calories is hard work, it takes determination to make it through the craves. It can be done, it just depends on how bad you want it. I have quit smoking, so the food addiction has been a real battle. I'm glad I have MFP to help me through this difficult time. Many people won't quit smoking because they believe weight gain is inevitable. MFP gives me a strategy to stay healthy. Anyway, you can friend me and we can encourage one another! You can also join a MFP group on Facebook. I am in Fit For Life 5 (FFL5). There are 6 or 7 groups and each group is capped so relationships can build and you can get to know others on a deeper level.