
Anyone just starting? I'm on day 2! Deployed at the moment, so when I'm done with the program, I'll be on a plane to the states!!! Anyone care to join me for the challenge?


  • littleone12484
    littleone12484 Posts: 14 Member
    I just finished day 3 and would love to join you!!
  • wiscyproblems
    I'm into my third week and noticing great improvements in my endurance! Its helped with my running as well, I'm a lot faster and stronger since starting.
  • victoriamarcos
    Do you know how many calories we can burn in insanity ?
  • LisaMarie444
    LisaMarie444 Posts: 30 Member
    Littleone! Sounds good! I'm excited

    Also, I'm not sure of the calories, I usually put in whatever we do that day, plus the minutes.. and then cardio... I'm not sure if it's correct.. I think it's below what I burn, rather then to high~!
  • motivatedmommie
    motivatedmommie Posts: 17 Member
    so this is the place to go! I am starting tomorrow , would love the extra support.
  • maz165
    maz165 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm on week 3, also, and love it so far! My body is sometimes less keen to get started at the end of a long day, but by the end I'm sweating buckets and grunting along with everyone in the video. I improved on my 2 week fit test so am curious to see how I progress from here. Am already dreading month 2, but am trying to stay present and take it one day at a time.

    Anyways, it's an amazing workout. Push yourself, do the exercises at a pace you can handle, and you'll definitely see results! Good luck!
  • LisaMarie444
    LisaMarie444 Posts: 30 Member
    I love Shawn T! LOL...

    I've tried this before, but my busy crazy schedule got in my way! But, not now... I get up at 4a.m. to do my insanity work out! I LOVE IT ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!