That OMG moment

Hi everyone. What an inspiring site. So glad I found it. I'm hoping I'll stay motivated to reach my goals by seeing all the progress everyone seems to be making.
I'm 33yrs this month and I never imagined being over 190lbs and only 5'6! Well I know how it happened so that makes undoing the damage a little easier, right? Eat less, work out more...simple:wink:

As for that OMG moment, well, had it recently. You know the moment when you realize that very few items of clothing in your closet fit anymore. When you're reaching for that size 6 pair of pants in the closet hoping, praying you just spent the whole day wearing lounge wear from Gap-size L. The moment when you realize 90% of your clothes havn't been worn in well, forever.
That moment when you dust off the scale and you stand on it staring in disbelief...When you calculate your BMI and no, you're not overweight honey, you're OBESE!
I've had my OMG moment. This.Will. Be. The. Last.

What was your OMG moment? Was it your motivator for your current progress?


  • BriAppleTree
    I've always been overweight to be honest haha. I weight 189 and I'm 5'7, so we're not that far apart. I don't remember the last time I was a size six haha.

    I've never had that OMG moment, because I've gotten comfortable with my body over the years.

    I just decided it'd be healthier if I lost weight. And I just wanted to be able to wear a size medium.
    I think I just got bored and decided losing weight is a good goal to set for myself.

    Good luck! And welcome!
  • wannabedown
    wannabedown Posts: 9 Member
    I totally get where you're coming from, I just don't ever want to be comfortable at this weight. It's like I've put it on in the blink of an eye-it was such a shock seeing numbers on the scale that seemed so unimaginable before.....
    Wishing you lots of determination, will power and a dash of good luck too!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Saw the picture on my profile of me in the brown shirt. That did it,,, :blushing:
  • jbeasinger
    jbeasinger Posts: 57 Member
    Mine was today! when i put new Batteries in the WII Fit! ARGH!!! the scale was off by 10 lbs the last few months... i thought it might not be right BUT you know i was trying to kid myself.(Oh no your still doing good) knowing i didnt feel like i was.
  • AimeeMacDougall
    Mine was looking at recently taken pictures at parties/cookouts and just days out with friends and family. I still feel like I am in high school on the inside, but DAMN! I don't look like it anymore. It actually made me quit disgusted with myself that I had let it get that bad and didn't realize it until someone was able to capture it on film. That is when I said this is going to end. I am only 24 years old and do not need to look like this. So I made a promise to myself and I am going to keep it!

    MFP is helping me out alot! It is a great place for help, resources and to talk to people who are going through the same thing.
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hi everyone. What an inspiring site. So glad I found it. I'm hoping I'll stay motivated to reach my goals by seeing all the progress everyone seems to be making.
    I'm 33yrs this month and I never imagined being over 190lbs and only 5'6! Well I know how it happened so that makes undoing the damage a little easier, right? Eat less, work out more...simple:wink:

    As for that OMG moment, well, had it recently. You know the moment when you realize that very few items of clothing in your closet fit anymore. When you're reaching for that size 6 pair of pants in the closet hoping, praying you just spent the whole day wearing lounge wear from Gap-size L. The moment when you realize 90% of your clothes havn't been worn in well, forever.
    That moment when you dust off the scale and you stand on it staring in disbelief...When you calculate your BMI and no, you're not overweight honey, you're OBESE!
    I've had my OMG moment. This.Will. Be. The. Last.

    What was your OMG moment? Was it your motivator for your current progress?

    I didn't really have an OMG moment. I was just ALWAYS depressed about my weight. I've NEVER been a size 6! (Course, my skinny twin sister was, which sure didn't help any! :noway: )
    When I was "between husbands", I managed to get down to a size 8, but, then I went and got "contented" again, and packed most of my weight right back on! :grumble: Other than that short time thin, I've ALWAYS been "heavy". I tried just about every "diet" out there, including hypnosis, TWICE, but nothing really worked until I came here to MFP! A co-worker gave me the site. When she did, I was actually kind of hurt about it, and almost threw away the url. But, luckily for me, I decided to check it out, and, I've been a "loser" ever since! :laugh:
    Between the easy to use food counter (which by the way is SUCH an eye opener!) and all the wonderfully supportive members, you WILL be able to lose the weight that you want to too, AND, it'll "almost" be easy doing it! :wink:
    I recommend logging ALL your foods BEFORE you have them, rather than later, as it tends to lead to better food choices. (not to mention you'll know if you've got enough numbers left to have a night time snack, like I ALWAYS try to do!) Some people also like to weigh and measure some things, such as meats, rather than just estimating and possibly being WAY off! :noway:
    Don't go making the mistake that if you have LOTS of numbers left at the end of the day that you'll lose even faster, because that DOESN'T happen. Feel free to read any info about the site in the "help" section at the top of the home page. And also, under "all topics", then "general", and check out the first few threads. They'll really help you understand how MFP works. :smile:
    Also, drink lots of water, it helps alot too! :drinker:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I stepped on the scales on December 31, 2008 and I weighed 292 pounds, I about fainted. I am only 5'1 1/2". That is the most I have ever weighed in my whole life. I made up my mind right then and there that I was not going to weigh 300 pounds and I no longer want to weigh 200 pounds. This was my moment. :flowerforyou:
  • wannabedown
    wannabedown Posts: 9 Member
    Great tips BrenNew. Thank you!
  • proctor0828
    It was a couple of years ago, When my 2nd child was 6 mos old and I weighed more than when I delivered her. I lost a bunch of weight and was SOOOO proud of myself because not only did I loose all that weight but I did it by exercising and eating right. Then just before I hit my goal, I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd little girl. WONDERFUL NEWS but I swore then that once I had her I would get back to were I want to be and never gain it again since there is no more pregnancies.
  • Shuutnstar
    Shuutnstar Posts: 46 Member
    My OMG moment was when reading my accident report many years after the fact that I was considered obese back then. I have since put on a good 50#... I was reading the paramedic report, and in cold, hard black and white, it said, "young adult caucasian obese female." I just sat there and cried... Why couldn't someone have told me then! 10 years later and I find out I was obese then.

    I've always been large, or big boned as my mama would say, but I never knew I was obese until then. But even after knowing that, and going into a big depression, (which of course, involved more eating... vicious cycle really)... It finally didn't hit me until recently when I got on the scale and it was as much as my BF weighed when we started dating! :sad:

    So, looking at pictures and hating them, I made the decision that I want to do better, be better... be healthier and finally be HAPPY... not just say I'm happy... sort of.

    So... Good luck to everyone else struggling out there! :flowerforyou:

    :bigsmile: Together we CAN DO THIS!
  • Sarah_LM
    Sarah_LM Posts: 96
    mine was about 2 weeks ago. I went to the beach with my puppy Bella and my mum and her dog. When my mum sent me the pics she had taken I looked awful! I just was gobsmacked, I had no idea that's how I looked, because I don't own a full length mirror. I just wanted to cry but instead I used it to motivate me. I said "I'm not going to look like this anymore!" I used to be slim up until about a year and a half ago when all the weight piled on. In the end though, it turned out to be a positive thing because it's really motivated me to exercise which I never wanted to do before.
  • HeatherMMB
    Hi and Welcome!! :flowerforyou:
    this is a GREAT site! great support and I have found the folks here are doing the weight loss in a healthy way and making life long changes:happy:

    My OMG moment had a few elements:
    getting on the scale and being over 300 pounds :explode:
    realizing my BMI was WAY OVER the morbidly obese
    seeing a picuture of me and really SEEING the picture :noway:

    I took all the clothes in my closet that did not fit - left me not much to wear! and decided I would get this sorted or learn to live with it. I decided I am tired of being the biggest person in the room and tired of not being able to do the things I like - like tying up my shoes without passing out! :laugh:

    track your foods - drink your water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: - stay connected and you will get there!! Welcome aboard!! :flowerforyou:
  • teal2111
    teal2111 Posts: 16
    My OMG moment was when I looked down and saw the scale hit 200. I am 5'6", so we are very close in "stature". I new I was getting close, but never wanted to cross that line. I have been putting on weight slowly for years and years. I have tried various programs, however never stuck to them long enough.

    I love this site so far and find the support very helpful.
  • crashlee
    crashlee Posts: 17
    I dont have just one OMG moment but they have all happened recently.

    1. A co-worker came up to me while i was putting stuff away and whispered in my ear" honey you really need to loose some weight, im worried about you"
    2. i found out i weight more then my dad who is 6'1 and also looks like santa claus
    3. i cant walk up a flight of stairs without being completely out of breath. soooo emabrrasing
    4. my mom made a comment about how i used to actually have a chin.
    5. My best friend joined this site and i relized she was gunna be skinny and i was still going to be fat

    these are just some of my moments and it took more then one to make me wanna do somthing since im not very motivated and very stubborn. number 5 was the big one for me because we have been friends since age 4 and we do everything together. It scared me to think she would be skinny and be able to shop in regular stores and wear a bikini to the beach and i couldnt do that with her. As much as i love her i dont want her to look better then me because that would make me so jealous and i would probably resent. we have always been the fat best friends so now we are gunna be the skinny best friends.
  • MyKids04
    MyKids04 Posts: 178 Member
    My OMG moment was shortly after having baby number four. I knew I was over weight but I said I just had a baby it will come off. Plus I got pregnant with number four when My 3rd child was only 6 months so I still had his weight to loose.

    Well I was cleaning out my closet and my husband pulled out a pair of jeans and said Nieve jeans got mixed up with yours in the wash. Nieve is my 13 year old daughter and guess what those were not her jeans they were my jeans and those where the jeans I wore home from the hospital when I had my second child. So yes I was smaller the day after I had my second child then I am right now 9 months after I had my last one. Sad

    So that is my motivation I have those jeans hanging on the inside of my closed door so everytime I see them I know I must get back into them. And loose like 20 more pounds after that. I am right now 235 pounds and I have a long way but I am determined to do it.

    I know we all can so good luck to everyone who has ever had an OMG moment.
  • MyKids04
    MyKids04 Posts: 178 Member
    I dont have just one OMG moment but they have all happened recently.

    1. A co-worker came up to me while i was putting stuff away and whispered in my ear" honey you really need to loose some weight, im worried about you"
    2. i found out i weight more then my dad who is 6'1 and also looks like santa claus
    3. i cant walk up a flight of stairs without being completely out of breath. soooo emabrrasing
    4. my mom made a comment about how i used to actually have a chin.
    5. My best friend joined this site and i relized she was gunna be skinny and i was still going to be fat

    these are just some of my moments and it took more then one to make me wanna do somthing since im not very motivated and very stubborn. number 5 was the big one for me because we have been friends since age 4 and we do everything together. It scared me to think she would be skinny and be able to shop in regular stores and wear a bikini to the beach and i couldnt do that with her. As much as i love her i dont want her to look better then me because that would make me so jealous and i would probably resent. we have always been the fat best friends so now we are gunna be the skinny best friends.
    Thats okay I just realized i am the second heaviest female at my job
    Then I and a co worker were both pregnant together and she had twins well she decided to stay at home for a year but came in maybe a month after the babies were born and guess what the chick is a size 3 and I am a size 18
    Also my son asked me when was I having the other baby and I told him we are done and he said but you look pregnant again.
  • crashlee
    crashlee Posts: 17
    I dont have just one OMG moment but they have all happened recently.

    1. A co-worker came up to me while i was putting stuff away and whispered in my ear" honey you really need to loose some weight, im worried about you"
    2. i found out i weight more then my dad who is 6'1 and also looks like santa claus
    3. i cant walk up a flight of stairs without being completely out of breath. soooo emabrrasing
    4. my mom made a comment about how i used to actually have a chin.
    5. My best friend joined this site and i relized she was gunna be skinny and i was still going to be fat

    these are just some of my moments and it took more then one to make me wanna do somthing since im not very motivated and very stubborn. number 5 was the big one for me because we have been friends since age 4 and we do everything together. It scared me to think she would be skinny and be able to shop in regular stores and wear a bikini to the beach and i couldnt do that with her. As much as i love her i dont want her to look better then me because that would make me so jealous and i would probably resent. we have always been the fat best friends so now we are gunna be the skinny best friends.
    Thats okay I just realized i am the second heaviest female at my job
    Then I and a co worker were both pregnant together and she had twins well she decided to stay at home for a year but came in maybe a month after the babies were born and guess what the chick is a size 3 and I am a size 18
    Also my son asked me when was I having the other baby and I told him we are done and he said but you look pregnant again.

    ive been asked like 4 times if im pregnant. i just tell them nope im just fat and they were like oh.. ok.
    and im the heaviest by like 100 pounds at my work. everyone there is skinnt mini balls of energy. its so embarrassing when they are doing the same work as me but im all hot and sweaty looking. i could just go in a corner and cry lol
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I didn't have an AHA moment really.

    Back in May, I planned to quit smoking on the 22nd, and wasn't going to fail (failure is not an option for me). One of the big reasons I'd postponed doing so (for oh..about 20 years or so :angry: ) was that I didn't want to gain (more) weight. So I decided that not only would I quit smoking, but I'd also start eating healthier and by golly, lose this 35 pounds once and for all.

    Part of me enjoys testing my willpower and winning. I quit drinking, cold turkey, 6 years ago. I left the last two beers in the fridge for 2 years just to make me grit my teeth and say, no :noway: . So I had no doubt that I could quit smoking (I did that also, cold turkey with no patches or gum or anything), but I'm still working on the losing weight part. :tongue:

    I have an entire tub of six 4 and 6 clothing in storage, just waiting for the day I can fit into them again. Of course, by then, they'll be hopelessly out of style, and I'll just use them to play dress up with my daughters, lol.
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    My OMG moment was when my daughter asked me to join MFP with her. I looked in the mirror, realized that my sexy jeans were so tight that they were rashing my hip bones and thought to myself, this isn't sexy at all! I have always been a confident happy person, but that moment in the mirror being totally honest was my OMG! I had warning signs, but ignored them. My daughter who asked me to join her fitness site to lose weight with her was a real wake up call for me. And I love her ever so much for bringing me here!
  • Shuutnstar
    Shuutnstar Posts: 46 Member
    Hey Guys!

    Just wanted to check in.... It's been a rough couple of weeks for me emotionally. Had to deal with a friend trash talking me behind my back and a fight with my live in boyfriend. So... it was tough. But I DIDN'T go for the Chips & Dip or the Ice Cream, that used to be my comfort blanket! I went for my bike instead. I must have looked like a moron, talking to myself and intermittant bouts of crying... but I pedaled and pushed myself for 10 miles. And today... even though it's not my usual weigh in day... I stepped on the scale this morning. I have hit my September goal weight a week early! So... Happy Dance!

    I couldn't have done it without MFP or the buddies I have made here. Thank you everyone, for sharing your success stories with me and for being so supportive! I...promised... myself... I... wouldn't.... cry. Lol! Thanks so much, and best of luck to everyone!