not losing weight

I seem to be at the same weight for over a month. What should I be dong. I have increase my exercise and do not want to decrease the amount I am eating...I am already hungry daily.


  • ybcochrane
    ybcochrane Posts: 39 Member
    i have been on a plateau for about 4 weeks and increased my calorie intake for a week to boost my metabolism....if you are really hungry with the calorie intake at the moment then your body will only go into starvation mode and store everything it gets...better putting the calories up a wee bit (calculate your bmr...which is a great guide line) and c how you get on with that?!....all the best
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    If you're hungry daily then there's probably something not right with what / how much you're eating! take a look around at some people's diaries and compare it to your own, and perhaps see where you can make some adjustments. We can't really advise you on your diary unless it is open though.

    There's a good chance you're either not eating enough (weird as that sounds!) or that what you are eating just isn't good enough (i.e. lots of processed foods will be high cal for not a lot of energy payoff and will leave you hungrier quicker)

    Hope this helps.
  • jaabee11
    jaabee11 Posts: 322 Member
    I agree with Kaned but I also suggest you do a search on the forums for 'not losing weight 'etc. There is lots of advice you can get there.
    I also suggest you might like to put a new post in general diet and weight loss help. I'm sure lots of people will offer you advice.They might not look in this section, it's more for tech problems.
    Good luck, I know it can be frustrating.