I've been working my backside off at the gym (relative to my age and weight) , have been running , cycling , and doing a mix of free and resistance weights and have managed to go from 210lbs to 209.5lbs in three weeks !!

What am i doing wrong ?? , any help or advice would be greatfully received.




  • ericgAU
    ericgAU Posts: 271
    G'day Iain

    I feel your frustration. You need to give it more time. You also dont make any mention of your diet. From my personal experiece of losing around 80lbs, your food is 80% of the effort of losing weight.
  • Tiff587
    Tiff587 Posts: 264 Member
    Hard to tell, sounds like your kicking it at the gym!

    Whats your diet like? You can open your diary so people can look and give you feedback.

    For me to build lean muscle and loose weight I drop my carbs and up my protein.

  • degantt
    degantt Posts: 8
    I understand, I feel like I am doing something wrong as my weight loss doesn't seem to be going as fast as I would like. It seems to be slowly creeping down but I wish it would jump to a rapid loss. MPF tells me the weight loss is where I need to be but . . . . .
  • Iain1873
    Iain1873 Posts: 5
    I probs still eat too many carbs despite cutting out potatoes and chips ... protein probs need an increase , although i'm trying to include higher protein foods , maybe i'm jumping the gun a little early as to why i haven't lost more....could i be doing too many weights and the increase of muscle mass (which i can notice) is stopping me from losing weight at the moment ???

    no idea how to open up my diary ??????

    anyway back to the gym again tonight for me , i won't be giving up !!! lol

    Thanks for comments and future comments
  • Tiff587
    Tiff587 Posts: 264 Member
    Diary is in settings.

    They say a gram of protein per lb of lean body mass, although a lot of people strive to be higher. I think it's about learning what works for your body, I know I run better on higher protein.
    Their are loads of reasons the weight may not be coming off, don't get disheartened, especially if your seeing the results, thats what its all about after all.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want some support!

  • Iain1873
    Iain1873 Posts: 5
    Thanks , have added you as a friend and opened Diary to friends , any pointers would be appreciated

