10lbs lost photo


I know...it's only 10lbs. But This is the result of a LOT of jogging and a LOT of strength training. i don't see too much of a difference, but it's my first goal weight reached (190lbs) so I'm excited about it regardless

The top was taken January 26,2012 and the bottom was taken this morning


  • TopazCarey
    TopazCarey Posts: 263
    I can totally see a difference. It's amazing what 10lbs can do! Good job on reaching your first goal and keep up the great work!
  • subtractionproject
    subtractionproject Posts: 64 Member
    Look at how flat your stomach is! Very awesome, keep it up!
  • prowe80
    prowe80 Posts: 14 Member
    Good job! But i hope you change your underwear!:laugh:
  • Kal_n_130
    Kal_n_130 Posts: 119 Member
    Thats awesome! def can notice!
  • rdchick
    rdchick Posts: 49 Member
    You look great! well done! we are pretty much weight twins right now! what's your goal weight now? xxx
  • zsaoosh
    zsaoosh Posts: 402 Member
    I can see a huge difference! KEEP IT UP ! Great job!
  • tdmcmains
    tdmcmains Posts: 227 Member
    That's a great change! Nice job!
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    Looks like you lost more than 10!!!! Great Job!!
  • lomajess
    lomajess Posts: 94 Member
    Good Job, I have not hit my first 10 pounds yet, but Im almost there. :D I started at 198, Im at 190. :)
  • _jessers
    _jessers Posts: 7
    Fabulous! There's a big difference, especially in your midsection. Can't wait to see the 20 lb difference!
  • mlapanowski
    mlapanowski Posts: 28 Member
    You look great! well done! we are pretty much weight twins right now! what's your goal weight now? xxx

    Hey! My goal weight according to this tracker is 145lbs but honestly it's just going to depend on how I feel :)

    Thanks everyone!!