Adjusting Calories

Hi! :) I used to be in weight watchers, and for every 10 pounds I lost I would redo my points quiz because I didn't need to eat as much as before. Can this same type of thing be done with myfitnesspal? In other words, after every 10 pounds I lose does the system automatically adjust my ideal calorie intake? just wondering because I have lost 10 pounds buy my calories have remained the same.


  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    It's supposed to do it automatically, but it seems that it doesn't always work. Go to Settings > Update Diet/Fitness Profile, and click Update Profile. (You don't have to make changes on this page, but it should force it to recalculate.) Note that the site will never give you a goal of less than 1200 calories.
  • crystalkiss
    crystalkiss Posts: 45 Member
    ok, great!! :) Thank you !!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    It does it automatically, but for me, it only did it for the first 10lbs (or 10% of bodyweight, I can't remember). It hasn't done it again since... not sure if that's an error in the site or not.

    I manually recalculate every 10lbs, going by the methods Steve Troutman describes here: