Hit a plateau - any advice?

Hi, my name is Tara and I've been on MFP for about a month now. At first, I started losing weight pretty consistently (which I heard can be substantial right after a lifestyle change), but in the last couple of weeks I have not lost any weight. I eat my recommended 1200 calories a day, and exercise 45 minutes about 3 to 4 times a week, but the scale hasn't budged! My husband says I may have hit a "plateau," but this doesn't make much sense to me since I am still in the early stages of weight loss (not trying to shed those last few stubborn pounds). I have toyed with the idea that it may be due to exchanging fat with muscle, but I have been doing mostly cardio (running, kickboxing, swimming, etc.) and feel like I should be done with that transition. Can anyone provide some insight and/or advice as to how to jump-start the weight loss again? Thanks :smile:


  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    You may need to change up your workout routine - more weights, pilates, yoga, etc.. Or eat more. Or both.
  • mmedina0205
    Try change the foods you are eating and the excerises you are doing. What happens you body gets used to what you are doing, so you need to shock it with something different.

    -Marisela :0)
  • TClanceyOzes
    TClanceyOzes Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you!
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    when you notice that you are hitting a plateau..instead of looking at the scale...get the measuring tape out and take a look at those numbers
  • mici0427
    mici0427 Posts: 54
    Definitely measure!! When I don't see the numbers on the scale move I pull out my measuring tape and usually see the difference there.
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    1200 is not a lot of food. I would say that with moderate activity you might need to be eating more. Do you have your settings at lose 1 lb/wk or 2 lbs/wk?
  • michonw
    michonw Posts: 59
    The same thing has happened to me and I'm still trying to figure out what to do. I have lost inches for sure...but, the scale isn't moving at all since January. I've changed my calories and trying to really get my heart rate up and do some intervals. I'm hoping things will start to change in my favor soon. It WILL change...we just need to find out the proper triggers. :)
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Whenever weight loss stalls, your body is more than likely redistributing your weight. This is the time to make sure you do your measurements at least once a month! Just because the number on the scale isn't moving doesn't mean that you're not getting smaller. Some people, myself include, lose in spurts and stutters. I'll lose 3 pounds gain 1, lose 2, gain 2, and so on. The general trend is downward, and that's the important part.

    Drink plenty of water. Increasing the amount of water you drink can help break a plateau.

    Change up your routine. A good solid change in routine can jump start a weight loss program.

    Try cycling your calories. Have a spike day once a week where you eat more. Confuse your body into losing more weight.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    when you notice that you are hitting a plateau..instead of looking at the scale...get the measuring tape out and take a look at those numbers

    ^^this!! Plateaus are normal, don't stress about it. Also, you need to eat your exercise calories back. I stalled at 1200 and was grouchy and miserable. Now I'm eating avg 1700-2000 cals and losing steadily. But the next time I hit a plateau, I'm officially shrugging it off. Don't let the scale rule your life. Take measurements, take pictures, keep a record of how you feel and what you've accomplished. These things are so much more important than a number that no one but you sees. Best wishes to you ;)