Teachers: Need your advice for this diet

My wife wants to do this diet and stick with it after seeing my success. The problem she is having is being a teacher and not having many breaks to eat snacks and drink water(obviously she will have to go to the bathroom many times)… so how do you teachers do it? and can you provide some advice for her.


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    For one timing of eating have pretty much no impact on weight loss, so she can eat all her cals before class, lunch and when she gets home. Not sure about the water issue though.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I don't usually eat snacks during the day.

    Maybe she can gradually increase her water intake so she's not always running to the bathroom.
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    I used to be a teacher. I don't think it should be too hard. Obviously you can't drink too much water whilst at work , but as far as snacks go, I don't believe it is necessary to eat little and often. It is fine to eat three times a day as long as the calorie intake is correct.
  • tanya_613
    tanya_613 Posts: 15 Member
    Cant she drink water during class. I kept a water bottle on my desk and in emergencies, I used the water fountain....we talk so much, water is a necessity..... to eat I did have to be a little sneakier during class.. stepping in the hall to take a bite, bending under the desk to look in the drawer.. etc... ;-)
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Does she teach elementary? I have taught for 12 yrs (high and currently middle) and drink about 100oz of water a day. My bladder has gotten used to my schedule and I snack on my prep. I can also go in less than 2 minutes - the sign of a veteran! lol!
  • kgchisholm
    kgchisholm Posts: 134 Member
    I teach middle school, so I just take potty breaks in between classes! I can always hold it for the duration of one class if I have to.
  • BeckyProctor
    BeckyProctor Posts: 56 Member
    I am a school nurse and several of the teachers are doing MFP or some other program. They don't eat snacks during the day but, they have no problem with drinking water. They drink throughout the day. Most are able OK taking bathroom breaks when the students are at lunch, recess, and specials (i.e. PE, Art, Music, etc.). If they really can't make it to a break time, they ask someone else to watch their class for a minute while they run to the nearest bathroom. She could also try drinking the bulk of her water within an hour or so of an upcoming break.
  • AshRyd
    AshRyd Posts: 126 Member
    not sure what to do about the water by I will send you an idea that my cousin (who is a teacher) used at her school and it has now reached the intire school district and has turned into a compition with prizes at the end of the year. They made use of those DVD players and large screens! Every day after the kids all go home they press play - the cafeteria plays one video, the gym another and the library another! All levels of activity for everybody, walking video all the way to insanity go school year round and you start and move to rooms as you wish or as your schedule allows! It is a wonderful program!
  • mrpurdy
    mrpurdy Posts: 262 Member
    Honestly, the biggest obstacle to overcome is to convince yourself that your health should be a priority. I don't know if this is the case with your wife (and I apologize in advance), but I used the difficulties of working around a teaching schedule as a crutch for supporting my bad habits. I have never met an administration that wasn't supportive of improving wellness by eating healthy snacks when necessary and allowing potty breaks. I keep a water bottle at my desk and drink approximately 48 oz of water during the school day. I use the 4 minutes between classes to take potty breaks and grab a quick snack (hard-boiled egg, protein bar, etc.). Be sneaky if you need to and don't feel bad about it!
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I teach chemistry, when I'm teaching, which means being stuck in a lab for up to 4 hours, not allowed to eat or drink ANYTHING! (Eating and drinking in chemicals, even accidentally, pose potential serious health hazards!) What I do is time my eating and drinking the rest of the day so that I can stay in the lab the whole time. One was training the bladder to hold a ridiculous amount of water on the days I didn't have to teach. (Summer break is an ideal opportunity for K-12 teachers to work on this!) I would stash a water bottle in a nearby office and take a quick swig when time allows. All that talking, it's a must to be able to grab a sip here or there. And I would eat just prior to starting, so that I wasn't starving during the lab time. And have food prepared so it's easy to grab as soon as the lab let out. It's not easy dieting around a classroom, no matter what type! But all teachers get breaks here and there to eat, hit the restroom and drink some water. Even if brief!
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    yes she is on mfp... she doesnt have time to create the topic so i basically did it for her...
  • redmapleleaf
    redmapleleaf Posts: 56 Member
    I'm a PE teacher so I'm constantly drinking water. I use the restroom in between my classes. If this doesn't happen then I go when the students are running their laps. My co-worker watches both classes then when I come back it is her turn or vice versa. As for regular teachers I know they go when they bring the whole class to the restroom.

    As for eating I have my morning snack at 8:30 then my afternoon snack at 2:30. Some times this is my planning but other times I bring my snacks out while the students are running laps. They are so use to me eating my snacks at a certain time that if I'm running late then they remind me.

    It has worked for 10 years.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm a teachers aid and I just carry a water bottle around with me and re-fill/go to the bathroom between classes.

    I pack my lunch everyday and rarely eat what the cafeteria has. As far as snacks go, they are not needed.. if you eat a big enough breakfast/lunch it should hold her till the end of the school day.
  • twotwentyeight
    I drink at least 100 oz of water a day and I am an elementary school teacher. Luckily, my kids schedule is set up that I can usually sneak to the bathroom during their lunch/special/recess times. My co-workers are fantastic in that they know that I am trying to lose weight that they are always willing to stand at the door if I need to run to the bathroom while the kids are doing independent work. And if my kids have snacktime, Why don't I ??? I always snack during the day if I need it. : )
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 498 Member
    I am a special education teacher (primarily elementary)-and just started MFP...What I have done is asked another teacher to cover my class, or we all take a bathroom break at the same time. I know other teachers within our school have done the same. I try to consume about half my water at work, drink a bottle of water on the way home and finish my daily intake at home. However, as teachers we train our bladders to accommodate our schedules! :bigsmile:

    As far as snacks, I do not have a morning snack since we eat so early. I also prepare something (nuts, carrot sticks, whatever) into a correct serving size and eat on the way home or after the kids are dismissed for the day.

    Other teachers have had a snack/bathroom break between classes (MS/HS teachers), or when the students are at specials. In the lower grades, students have snack, so the teacher could have his/her snack when the kids do.

    Good luck to your wife! She can friend me!