huffington post fat guru.. not sure what to think of this

'secret is no secret..." he mentions visualization and psycho-techniques to learn. Since I'm having success with the 'eat less than you burn' 'secret' and have never visualized what I've ACTUALLY looked like, despite photos.... I'm wondering what you all think.


  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I think it's a good article. How many times do you read on these boards "I've been doing everything right for X days/weeks and I cant' lose weight. I'm thinking of giving up."? That attitude is not going to lead to success. I think some people do need behavior modification in order to lose weight. Whether they get it from a licensed professional, a friend or a stranger, something has to get them to change their outlook before they will succeed.
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    I actually agree with him. When I changed my thought process I lost 50lbs, granted since then I got preggers and am battling getting back on track, but I did it. Actually I did it through managing my calories. I hardly exercised. My state of mind made a huge difference and right now I am working on getting to that same place.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Good article. I think he's spot on.
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    I am sorry, you said huffingtonpost, and I have read too many lies there to believe anything they say without three independent verifications.
  • Thank you so much for sharing... I really needed to read this article! :happy:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    I believe in affirmation as being a good tool to help mentally motivate. "I like myself unconditionally" is something I say outloud to myself every morning (while I brush my teeth).
    Also many people who "sabotage" themselves don't see themselves ever being successful at weight loss and don't see their finished product. Visualization does help IMO. Some people look at old pics of themselves and remember what it is like to be lean and it helps them to strive to get there again.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • GentlyLosing
    GentlyLosing Posts: 32 Member
    I am sorry, you said huffingtonpost, and I have read too many lies there to believe anything they say without three independent verifications.

  • mentar75
    mentar75 Posts: 5
    Hi Ross, they say there is some truth to visualing yourself thin, then it will become you!. This is why people do phototherapy, and this is why anorexia believe they are fat. There is a connection in the mind that will make you see yourself in truth or not. If you visualize and make yourself think your are a smaller, buffed hard body, you will not likely eat the banana split.

    Sometimes people don't realize how big they are until they see those family reunion photos that make you cringe! It is a theory. What ever works, weight loss ideas are a billion dollar industry. People are always seeking the "answer". Bottom line:

    We all know the answer to weight loss....
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    This part of the article really really stood out to me:

    "start saying "I know I will lose weight if I can figure out how to get myself to do what we know works to lose weight." "

    This has been my experience. Learning the little tricks that work for me figuring out how to get myself to repeatedly do the small handful of items that make up the majority of the results... logging food, moving my body every day, eating purposefully etc.
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I totally agree. I think a positive attitude will get you far in life, no matter what your goals are.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    I think it's a good article. How many times do you read on these boards "I've been doing everything right for X days/weeks and I cant' lose weight. I'm thinking of giving up."? That attitude is not going to lead to success. I think some people do need behavior modification in order to lose weight. Whether they get it from a licensed professional, a friend or a stranger, something has to get them to change their outlook before they will succeed.
    you may be right but I've found that even if I'm plateaued for 5-6 weeks when I run a 3 month report, i really am losing one pound a week on average.. exactly what I signed up for. and I'm generally the king of instant gratification. I think it was the 'visualization' that struck me as odd.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    thanks all. you've proven that EVERY possible weapon should be on the table for use. whatever works.. whatever it takes to get the job done, in whatever combination. thanks..
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    I am sorry, you said huffingtonpost, and I have read too many lies there to believe anything they say without three independent verifications.

    it's fascinating to me you need to 'verify' someone's opinion-in a blog....
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I am sorry, you said huffingtonpost, and I have read too many lies there to believe anything they say without three independent verifications.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,308 Member
    thanks all. you've proven that EVERY possible weapon should be on the table for use. whatever works.. whatever it takes to get the job done, in whatever combination. thanks..

    Please, no more weapons. Visualize whirled peas.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I believe in affirmation as being a good tool to help mentally motivate. "I like myself unconditionally" is something I say outloud to myself every morning (while I brush my teeth).

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    "Ai rikhe m'thff ubcobdishinarry - " aw man, got toothpaste all over the mirror..