anyone else?

clutter Posts: 3
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
Anyone else actually trying to gain a tad and then maintain?


  • Anyone else actually trying to gain a tad and then maintain?
  • Hi clutter and Welcome!
    Most of the people on here are trying to lose weight, but I am sure there are a few who are just like you. This site is excellent for either, wether you need to lose a few OR gain a few. Best of luck and keep working hard at it! : )
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,321 Member
    yeah, eat for us.
  • cardgrl
    cardgrl Posts: 175 Member
    I wish I had to "gain a few".... Geesh! Good luck anyhow! We are here for you regardless!:noway:
  • I came back to check this post only because it was interesting to me...I have a cousin who is also underweight (due in part, to a medical condition) and it surprises me to see the responses your post has gotton so far. Odd, that should a person lose 5 or 10 pounds, replies flourish with congratulations and support, but there's not any of that here....I wonder why not? Am I mistaken that this site is about being healthy and fit? Granted, its unusual to have a post such as this, but should it be treated this way? I talked at length with my cousin one day, and was interested to find out that she "wished" for some of the exact same things I do...she wished she could climb a flight of stairs and not get winded, she wished she could play for a long time with her son outside, and not get tired. She can't do those things because she is too skinny, and UNHEALTHY. I can't do those things because I am too fat, and UNHEALTHY. I think the basis of this site IS to be fit and healthy, regardless if your starting point is too large, or too small. I hope you are getting the kind of support you need, clutter, and I for one am willing to listen, er, read whatever it is you need to say (type). You have my support and very best wishes.
  • I am trying to gain as well!! I started here last week but didn't want to introduce myself for fear that I would just hear criticism or derision, which is what I usually hear. I am at least 40lbs metabolism is very high and I am an extremely picky eater. I have worked my way up for a week now to a 2000 cal. has not been easy. So far I haven't gained but I will keep at it. You don't have to be overweight to be unhappy with how you look!! Not too many stores out there that cater to a size 00!
  • julieofthewolves
    julieofthewolves Posts: 339 Member
    Hi Sage26f! Welcome!

    NoMoreAt3 started a string on supporting all folks here - those losing, trying to maintain or those trying to get up to a healthy weight. You might want to check out the string called "where's the support when it is needed?" (Thanks NoMoreAt3, you brought up a really important issue)
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