Extremely frustrated - Need advice

I am 5'-6" and weight 141 lbs. I am a size 4 and for some reason I can't seem to get below the 140 lb mark. I don't drink soda, I rarely eat any sweets, and try to watch my portions and try to follow the calorie and exercise guidelines.

I am starting to wonder if my goal weight is too little and that I should just stay at the weight I am today. I would like to weight between 125 - 130 and feel I would be healthiest there.

Any advice?


  • koleebear
    koleebear Posts: 2 Member
    Have you checked one of those charts with 'ideal' height and weight? You should and i think you'll find that where you are is exactly where you should be!
  • Starzy696
    Starzy696 Posts: 133 Member
    I actually had on a different site and they told me I was still overweight. :(

    On here, it says I am healthy...

    I just asked some people at work and they said I don't look like I weight 141 anyways....
  • th2much
    th2much Posts: 156 Member
    http://www.healthstatus.com/cgi-bin/calc/calculator.cgi Look here it says you are with in your healthy range. If you are active & eating healhty then that good .
  • Bikini_Bound150
    Bikini_Bound150 Posts: 461 Member
    I whole heartedly believe that if your body won't let you lose another pound then it's telling you something. You are at a great weight and your are in your "healthy" range, so I think you should just stick with maintaining and maybe toning if you need to.
  • sarahbetherck
    sarahbetherck Posts: 270 Member
    Have you considered getting your body fat tested to see exactly how much lean vs. fat you have? I'm the same height as you but I know that I have about 134lbs of lean so I could never get to even your weight! It's a nice way to get a full picture of what your body is really made of and what may/may not be realistic for you.
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I'm 5'6" and my GOAL is 145. The lightest I've ever been as an adult has been 140 and I was about a size 6 at that point. The 140 range for our height is thin. If you feel flabby or out of shape, I'd think about concentrating more on firming up muscle rather than weight loss.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Are you happy with the way your body looks? If so, you can focus on maintainance. If not, consider the following:

    1. Try eating more, not less (search the forums for the group "Eat More to Weigh Less." I started my weight loss journey on Ja, 15, 2011 and have been through 3 plateaus since then. I've broken 2 of them by increasing my calories.
    2. Weight training--if you're not currently doing it, I really encourage you to try it!

    Good luck!
  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    I'm 5'7" and my goal is 130. I have a very small frame and equally small chest, so that is a reasonable number for me. If you are built like me, your goal sounds ok to me.

    How many calories a day are you eating right now? Is your diary open? (I will go check...)
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    You may have reached the skinny fat plateau and need to add in some weights.
  • SirZee
    SirZee Posts: 381
    My first reaction is to quote Yoda: "Try not, do". I am living proof that "try" is not good enough; I promise you if you precisely log everything you eat and exercise, you will go through the following phases:

    1. You'll be surprised how much you underestimate calories consumed. Advice: maximize precision
    2. You'll be surprised how much you overestimate calories burned. Advice: be brutal to your numbers.. when in doubt, halve it, all these machines lie and lie on the wrong side.
    3. You'll find that once your knowledge is based on precision numbers, your meal plan wont require a lot of tweaks to get into the weight-loss friendly calorie-differential zone.
    4. You'll finally lose the weight you want.

    Also, don't get down on yourself, this stuff really shows up over time... the day to day change is so small that it is lost in things like water retainement.
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    You're a size 4. Work out, smile, and strut your stuff.
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    I am 5'-6" and weight 141 lbs. I am a size 4 and for some reason I can't seem to get below the 140 lb mark. I don't drink soda, I rarely eat any sweets, and try to watch my portions and try to follow the calorie and exercise guidelines.

    I am starting to wonder if my goal weight is too little and that I should just stay at the weight I am today. I would like to weight between 125 - 130 and feel I would be healthiest there.

    Any advice?

    I am also 5' 6' and my weight will fluctuate between 125-130, depends on what type of eating plan I'm on and my excercise routine. When I was around 135 I hit a plateau, I upped my calorie intake and reduced grains and cheese for two weeks, I started to lose again and got below 130. I have since added those items back into my diet and have not gained. Try eating more if you are only netting 1200 calories a day, I net between 1400-1800 depending on my workouts.
    Hope that helps.
  • hklingen
    hklingen Posts: 9
    Hi there

    I am 5'6" as well, and let me just say that this is a tricky height to assess. It's above average, but not quite considered tall (though I am considered tall...people often think I'm 5'8-5'9. Doh!)

    Anyways, a lot of it really depends on how you carry your weight and what your body composition is (is it body fat or is it muscle contributing to the weight?) For instance, I am 5'6" and currently weigh 130. This is considered healthy; however, I want to tighten up a bit and get to 120 (also healthy). I have long limbs and have an "apple" shape, so I tend to carry my weight more proportionally with a leaner build. However, My old roommate was around my height and was thicker (more athletically built/voluptuous) than me. Because of her build, she probably would not have looked very tantalizing at 120 (We're all different). She always thought she was "chunky"...but I thought her body was amazing!

    Moral: What you weigh can often reflect a mere difference body types.

    As far as your concern for yourself, the following information may be useful for you

    Here is a standard (very simplified) equation that you may find useful:
    for women (It's different for men):
    100lbs (for the first 5ft) + 5lbs (for every inch after) + or - 10% (to account for variations in frame size)
    So, for a 5'6" woman: 100 + 5lbs(6in) = 130 lbs (this is the median)
    Now to account for differences in frame size:
    10% of 130 = 13
    So 130 - 13 = 117 and 130 + 13 = 143
    Therefore an estimated healthy weight range for a 5'6" woman is 117lbs-143lbs

    Also, for BMI: underweight= <18.5, normal= 18.5-24.9, overweight= 25-29.9, obese= 30 or above, extreme obesity= 40 or above

    In conclusion, a 140lb 5'6" female is in the healthy weight range. Also, your BMI is 22.7 (kilograms/meters squared). Again, this is in the healthy range. However, so am I. So I definitely understand being in a healthy range but feeling that your skin could fit a little more snug and your clothes could fit a little less snug =P

    Ultimately, it's entirely up to you if you want to lose weight. If you are displeased by your appearance or feel that you should work on your health, then there are steps you can take to lose it (although don't go beyond an unhealthy BMI!).

    Hope that helps!
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    You're a size 4. Work out, smile, and strut your stuff.

    ^^This.....I'm your same height and weight.....and I'm a 6-8-10, depending on the clothing brand and cut.
  • doublezizzle
    doublezizzle Posts: 42 Member
    Agree on the body comp testing. Rather than picking some arbitrary number, based on feelings, base it on science! It was very eye opening to me.

    It doesn't matter what you WEIGH, it's how you LOOK! :)

    If you start doing strength training, you'll probably start to look smaller, even though you'll put on a few pounds.
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    If you feel like you still need to lose weight, I will support you - also 5' 6'' (well, 5' 5.5'') and currently at 142. I want to get down to 134, but it seems like we have very different bodies because I'm currently between a size 6 and 8!
  • hklingen
    hklingen Posts: 9
    Oops I did BMI for 5'6" 140 lbs. For 141lbs your BMI is actually 22.9 (aka still healthy)
  • wdruker
    wdruker Posts: 77 Member
    Your post sounds just like me. I am 5'6". I weigh around 140lbs. I started in January and my weight has between 142 and 139 and hasn't gone down. It's driving me nuts. I upped the calories last week. I didn't lose any weight, but I did lose inches last week. So I am going to give it some more time to see if the weight will drop eventually. I used to weigh around 125 - 130 before kids and it was the perfect weight. No belly fat. Now after two kids, I have belly fat and wear a size 6. I don't like it.

    So you may want to try upping your calorie intake. I found out that my BMR was at 1,304. However, I was only eating 1200 calories. According to what people have been telling me I should not be below my BMR. There was a whole formula that you can do to try to figure out the correct amount of calories. Someone gave me the website http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/ which helps you figure out the proper amount of calories you should be eating.

    Good luck! I know I am not settling with 140lbs. One way or another I will get back down to 125 or 130. I don't care what the system says that I am in the "healthy" range. If you saw my belly, you would know there is nothing healthy about it.
  • Starzy696
    Starzy696 Posts: 133 Member
    Have you considered getting your body fat tested to see exactly how much lean vs. fat you have? I'm the same height as you but I know that I have about 134lbs of lean so I could never get to even your weight! It's a nice way to get a full picture of what your body is really made of and what may/may not be realistic for you.

    I actually have never had that tested, but think it might be a good idea to do. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • Starzy696
    Starzy696 Posts: 133 Member
    I'm 5'7" and my goal is 130. I have a very small frame and equally small chest, so that is a reasonable number for me. If you are built like me, your goal sounds ok to me.

    How many calories a day are you eating right now? Is your diary open? (I will go check...)

    For calories, I am eating between 1200 - 1400. Maybe I should try to increase my calorie intake. hmmmm...