Weight rooms: No girls allowed or what??

At least at my gym in the weight room, it's always only guys!! I really need to work on my strength training but I don't want to be the only woman surrounded by a bunch of hot, sweaty, buff men. <---- Actually having typed that out now, i'm wondering what exactly my problem is LOL :blushing: It doesn't help that I don't know alot of workouts you can do with everything in there.

Any other women in the same boat? Is this a self-confidence issue?
Guys are you more focused on your workouts regardless of who's in there w/ you?


  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I braved it out and never looked back. They don't know what they are doing anyway lol
  • hillary124
    hillary124 Posts: 112
    Although Im not the only girl in the weight area of the gym, Im kinda petite and young looking, so I feel like all the guys look at me like "what is this 10 year old girl doing in here"?!?! I wanna look at them and be like, hey im in a college gym with you, im a college student with you, and i can lift if i want to! :)
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    I sometimes feel awkward... and then I look around and realize that my form is much better than most people around me!! ;)
  • JMarigold
    JMarigold Posts: 232 Member
    When I had this problem (and a gym membership--I miss it so)

    I also just ignored them. That said, I did tend to try and go when it wasn't busy.

    They only annoyed me b/c most of the them usually failed to put the free weights back on the rack and then I had hunt them down. :grumble:

    Honestly I just figured that they were there to work out too and that they didn't really care what I was doing. I never really noticed anything to contradict that assumption--mostly they (the men) were focused on their workouts.
  • MoooveOverFluffy
    MoooveOverFluffy Posts: 398 Member
    i just keep my ipod on blast and don't make eye contact with the beefs....and like the above said, half of them don't know what they're doing anyway! it was awkward at first, but i got over it once i started being familiar with the machines/exercises etc....

    eDIT: to be fair, i did youtube alot of exercises and machines to make sure i was doing things the right way, that was a major confidence boost!!
  • ConcordPhil
    ConcordPhil Posts: 118 Member
    Walk in there like you own the place. You'll be fine.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    When I am lifting, I am happy to see some fit and feminine ladies lifting. :)
  • deekaydee
    deekaydee Posts: 158 Member
    I'm oftentimes the only female in the free weight section.

    It makes me feel like a bad@ss.

    (And if you don't know yet what you're doing, maybe get a few sessions with a personal trainer at the gym to familiarize yourself with it, and get pointers on form? Then look up some workouts and go to town.)
  • NateDad
    NateDad Posts: 55
    Don't be intimidated. Guys in weight rooms are just guys, like anywhere else. Most of them will be nice, some might not be, but it won't be any different than anywhere else. I'm guessing most of them will be really impressed a girl is coming in there to lift, and would be happy to give you tips, if you want them, or leave you alone if you want that. It's no different than the treadmills or ellipticals - people are just in there to work out.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    I go in anyway. who cares? they aren't going to run you out, promise. :)
  • withervein
    withervein Posts: 224 Member
    My first weight room was in Japan. There were only dudes and most of them were pretty sure I didn't speak the language, so they tended to just come over point at the weight and say "oh my! You strong, yes?" Then they would praise each other for their English skills and wander off.

    This is about as much attention as I ever got and I stood out like the whitest sore thumb ever.

    You likely won't be noticed, but if you are, it's more likely that the guys are going to think one of two things:
    Awesome, a girl who lifts!
    I hope her uterus doesn't drop out while I'm in here.

    If you meet the former, awesome, you have a buddy. If you meet the latter, you can probably out-squat him in two weeks time.

    If you need help, ask someone at a desk.

    Don't be afraid!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    At least at my gym in the weight room, it's always only guys!! I really need to work on my strength training but I don't want to be the only woman surrounded by a bunch of hot, sweaty, buff men. <---- Actually having typed that out now, i'm wondering what exactly my problem is LOL :blushing: It doesn't help that I don't know alot of workouts you can do with everything in there.

    Any other women in the same boat? Is this a self-confidence issue?
    Guys are you more focused on your workouts regardless of who's in there w/ you?

    Yeah I don't care who's around me to be honest as long as they're not ****in' around and working hard. I love seeing women ditch the treadmill, machines, and load-up a barbell. :)
  • mbts08
    mbts08 Posts: 284 Member
    Yes at first. Now? No, I could care less what they think. :noway: I try to focus on my music and the exercise that I am doing at the moment.

    Just get in there and do it:happy:
  • krissypea79
    krissypea79 Posts: 362 Member
    I'm oftentimes the only female in the free weight section.

    It makes me feel like a bad@ss.

    This!! :glasses:

    I see women watching me from the machines and I like to tell myself that they envy me for being over there, hehe. As for the guys, most guys (and people in general) are at the gym to focus on themselves. I think as I've grown up, I've learned to not care what others think of me, which helps! Confidence in the exercises and how to use the equipment certainly helps too! Go for it!