hi everyone! modivation and venting support needed!!!

hi my name is april i'm new here... in short i have gone from 275 to 206 with a huge must needed brest reduction... i want to be the fun- love'n person my husband said i once was. i have become a total wallflower now. i used to love to go dance'n i hate public places..even take'n your son to the park. the last straw was yesterday.. i was at a local retail store and saw the dreded swimsuites... i left my cart and laid in bed and cried for hours. i know my weight should not be my perssonality, i know. but all i do is look and cry. i should be so proud of what i have done so far and i am. some days i just can't move i get so depressed about it. gyms i hate them.. a buch of people try'n to find dates, heck even the trainer was laughing at me with some of them... i hate it i hate it i hate it. any modivation or some venting suport would be great. thanks


  • ewiedemann360
    ewiedemann360 Posts: 5 Member

    Getting on a site like this is one of the remedies that will certainly help you. You're weight loss is a 25% reduction in pounds, and that is nothing to take lightly. It is clear from your post that you have a son and husband, both of whom are very important to you, as you are to them. If necessary, use being there for both of them and spending time with them as motivation. As you pay more attention to what you are eating, and how you are exercising, you will naturally start to feel better. That lifestyle which you exhibit at home will be replicated by your son. If you don't like your current gym, find another one, or go at a different time to your new gym. I find that 5 AM is a good time for people who are serious about exercising, then getting on with their day...and if people want to laugh, let them. What really matters are the people who are important to you.

    Stick with this. I gained 60 pounds in a twelve month span. Since then, I've shed about half of that. It may not sound like a lot, but for someone who was very used to eating and drinking whatever I wanted, the 60 pounds was quite a wake up call. What made it worse is that I was in the gym training as I gained the weight. The trainer suggested that I watch my diet, but I never did. And I gained weight. Then one day in July 2011, I went into the gym and said, "I'm ready for the diet plan". He put me on it, and it works. Now, I'm not perfect with it every day - when I do deviate, I enjoy what I eat and drink then get back on the plan the next day.

    Find motivation somewhere, but most of all from within. For me, healthy doses of exercise and prayer help too. Maybe that's not for everybody, and to each their own..but it works...Like Churchill so famously said, "never give up, never give up, never give up"!
  • steph2606
    steph2606 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi April,

    I read your post and had tears in my eyes because I have also, been there.

    I have days where i wont even leave the house because i am so disgusted with how i look and think that i look huge in everything!
    It makes me feel even worse when i go shopping and realise that there is no way i will fit into anything off the rack...

    The thing is, you need to remember what you have achieved already... i mean you've lost 70lbs! That is amazing!!!
    The good thing is, on here you have all the support you would want because we are all fighting the same battle. We understand the down moments and the times when you want to give up...

    But that's why we are here altogether! helping eachother when we are at our lowest...

    Keep your chin up hun! You can do this. You need to keep telling yourself that you are worth it because you are! You deserve to be happy... So stick your head in the air and smile. be proud of who you are and most importantly...DON'T GIVE UP!

    Love Steph xxx