Lady teachers, how much do you eat?

I am a substitute teacher and I average about 4 days a week (probably 1/3rd of those are Phys. Ed days). On days where I'm teaching I am MUCH hungrier than when I am on my days off (which are spent mostly lazing around with a little cleaning/dog playing...unless I exercise of course).

I know there are a ton of teachers on here, so I'd love to hear some calorie goals. I am 5'2, 26, and currently about 153lbs, 27% body fat...if there's any teachers with stats similar at all, I would especially love to hear from you!

I've upped my cals to 1480, which is MFPs suggestion for me if I am Sedentary/set to lose 0.5lbs a week. It is also my BMR according to a few calculators. I'd love to see if I'm in the same ball park as other female teachers, or if you eat more than that, since (if you're doing it right) you're on your feet walking around most of the school day. I've been unsure whether I should keep myself at sedentary, or bump it up to lightly active, even though I don't work every day.


  • nmmoore1979
    nmmoore1979 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm a teacher. I'm 5'2, but weight 180. :( I get 1290 a day. I was at 1200 a day to lose 2 pounds a week, but that was too much and I was not sucessful. I don't count the amount of time I'm on my feet at work, but do count the other work outs I do.

    Happy losing!
  • jlr_12
    jlr_12 Posts: 170 Member
    I'm a teacher. I'm 5'2, but weight 180. :( I get 1290 a day. I was at 1200 a day to lose 2 pounds a week, but that was too much and I was not sucessful. I don't count the amount of time I'm on my feet at work, but do count the other work outs I do.

    Happy losing!

    I was doing 1200 plus exercise calories..but on days that I didn't exercise but DID work, I felt ridiculously hungry and 1200 wasn't enough to keep me going.
  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 302 Member
    I teach, but the days I do it (three days a week) I'm pretty much sedentary. I just upped my calories yesterday to 1430, which is right at my BMR. I was losing to the tune of two pounds a week, but only trying for one pound per week. Decided I'd rather have a tad more to eat and lose a little slower overall. I am 5'3", just under 180 pounds as of today (started at 196). Good luck, and much success!!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I teach the ladies a few things.

  • astroub
    astroub Posts: 289 Member
    I teach the ladies a few things.


    ^^^^ Agreed! Lol
  • astroub
    astroub Posts: 289 Member
    I am a preschool teacher. I am 5'2" and around 120 pounds... With the said I am mainly focused on toning up and losing fat. I currently net around 1300 on workout days and more on days that I don't workout. My BMR is 1309. I currently lift 3 days a week and do cardio on 3 with 1 rest day.