Runners: Marathon training advice?

My man and I just bit the bullet and signed up for our first marathon this October. I have plenty of time to train, I know, but I want to make sure I use the next 7 months as effectively as possible SO, I thought I'd see if any of you other runners out there have any advice for a first time marathoner?

I'm still trying to decide about creating a plan, possibly joining a training group (though that also costs $$$), and generally just figuring out what to do now that I'm officially signed up!

Any advice would be really appreciated!

PS just so you know, based on the info from the McMillan calculator, I should shoot for a 5:45:00 time/13:11 pace for the race though I'd love to get faster too!


  • How long have you been running?
  • I followed Hal Higdon's training guide and that worked pretty well. He has different levels in regards to your ability, so it is adaptable too. Good luck!
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 833 Member
    Check out for any running groups in your area. You may be able to find one that does not charge.

    Due to time constraints, I use my commute a lot for my training, (I'm a tri ahtlete). I alway take tuesday/friday off for the gym and make Saturday my long day. When I am running/riding I do add in intervals once I'm warmed up. This has really helped with my speed.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    First, pick up "Galloway on Running".
    You want to incrementally push up your long runs, about 2 mi. Every two weeks. You want to vary from maintenance runs, hill work, interval (fartlek), and long runs (usually Sunday).
    Get fitted at a running store for some good training shoes ( min. $100).
    A marathon is two races, the first 20 mi.s and the last 6.2 mi.s.
    Your goal should be to be able to run a 30 mi. Long run about 3-4 weeks before the race and then taper down and relax the 2 weeks prior.
    Buy the book, it has a timetable to get you ready, no matter how far away the race is.
  • I agree with bendicott7, hal higdon's training guide worked great for me. wish you the best
  • nickyeatrunread
    nickyeatrunread Posts: 173 Member
    Thanks for the tips! I definitely want to make sure to do a 30 miler beforehand--I personally don't like the plans where you only run the full distance on race day.

    @afrazer02: been running since 2009 and did my first half in October 2011 :)