New and Lovin' It

Hi! I joined one week ago today and I have to say I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE everything about the plan and the site and the app! I have already lost almost 5 lbs, which I know is not to be expected every week. I have tried so many different diets in the past and failed because I got frustrated and gave up within weeks or months, but I am loving this. It really works when you follow the plan, and even if you have a few "mishaps" (I already have... LOL). Just get back up on the horse and never give up. No one is perfect. The friends I've made in the short time I've been on here have been so nice and supportive which is very important.

I still have a long way to go, but I'm looking forward to the journey ahead and am so thankful I discovered this.

PS- I'm still looking for friends who we can support eachother in our weight loss goals ... feel free to ADD ME :)



  • latingurl72000
    Welcome. I am new too. just today and I am hoping this can help me through my long journey into a healthy lifestyle. (=
  • jameswestlund
    I'm new too. Been eating carefully since Christmas, lost about 13 pounds so far. Hoping to get my old *kitten* up and start running again, maybe work up to a 5K.