Team UK: August



  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    :sick: OOOOhhhh k... Im having one of those weeks again... and i cant blame TOTM... However i can blame the fact that we dont have a kitchen and i have to buy my dinner/lunches at sainsburys... mostly conventient...


    I need some support... and serious motivation.. :grumble:

    I am going to the gym tonight and i will work my *kitten* off!! (and the pick n mix i had last night) Meah...

    friends Birthday BBQ later so im presuming there will be burgers.. and cheese.. so i have logged it in my diary already... Maybe ill put in cake just incase!! :tongue: BUT NO ALCOHOL!! I would rather eat my cals... :blushing:

    Anywhoo i see no weight loss on my part... Mum n dad think i have lost more.. but i dont think i have considering the last two weeks of not really giving a crap...

    got to be strong!!

    GYM GYM GYM!! :laugh:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    dont worry too much about it, just get back on track things will be fine.

    for the BBQ - if your having real meat burgers (thick) cut one in half then you have two for the same amount of calories you would have eaten in one, or if you can take your own half fat cheese or low fat cheese slices.

    i havnt lost much this week (if any the way the scales are going) but i waist and hips are looking a lot more toned and the hourglass shape is coming back :blushing: :happy:

    and remember
    'being beaten is a temporary condition, giving up is what makes it perminant'
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    Hiii Everyone

    I havent been on in AGES! I have been so bad, I was being naughty so didn't even log my food, in the end and I haven't logged it in about 2 weeks now! Disgrace...I went to the wedding last week anyway, and my dress fit so I am happy! Havent weighed myself this week, but I am going to do it when I get home from work and kick myself to start it all again! Im pretty sure I have put most of the weight lost back on :( But at least I know I can do it!! Need my motivation back....

  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Hiii Everyone

    I havent been on in AGES! I have been so bad, I was being naughty so didn't even log my food, in the end and I haven't logged it in about 2 weeks now! Disgrace...I went to the wedding last week anyway, and my dress fit so I am happy! Havent weighed myself this week, but I am going to do it when I get home from work and kick myself to start it all again! Im pretty sure I have put most of the weight lost back on :( But at least I know I can do it!! Need my motivation back....


    HIGH FIVE with you there Christy... I have not given two hoots this last few days as to whats gone into my mouth hole... :grumble: Anyways.. we must think positivly (thanks for the post Katie) and get back on the waggon...
    I think it might be something to do with me Upping my cals to 1,400.. so i seem to go over all the time..?
    Im going back to 1,200 and being strong... I have a month until my "unbooked" holiday and if i want to look good for it im going to WRONG was about it!! lol Its BIKINI time (again)!!! :laugh:
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    HIGH FIVE with you there Christy... I have not given two hoots this last few days as to whats gone into my mouth hole... :grumble: Anyways.. we must think positivly (thanks for the post Katie) and get back on the waggon...
    I think it might be something to do with me Upping my cals to 1,400.. so i seem to go over all the time..?
    Im going back to 1,200 and being strong... I have a month until my "unbooked" holiday and if i want to look good for it im going to WRONG was about it!! lol Its BIKINI time (again)!!! :laugh:

    As if you're going on holiday again!! I am so jealous! I guess its a good motivation though knowing you are going to be in a bikini! My mum said she might take me on a 10 day holiday later in the summer to a greek island! Not 100% though yet...I need to work on her haha

    I think my target for the month will be the same as last month but actually keep it up this time!!! 10st 7lbs by the end of the month would be BRILLIANT! Although I dont actually know how much I weigh at the moment, will weigh in the morning :)
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Hello all, sorry I have had a naughty 7 days, no exercise and very bad diet that I thought best not to log due to the calories. I am putting it down to the stress I have at the moment. :ohwell:

    I have started logging today and I will be going to the gym to weigh myself and do a 'little' work-out.

    It is such lovely weather here I might go for a walk along the beach :glasses:

    Have a great weekend :drinker:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    i seem to be putting on weight again but i dont know how? im sticking at 1400cals each day, and doing exercise so im not sure whats going on right now,

    anyone fancy a sub-challange?
    Not to weigh in for 2 weeks?

    you can still use a tape measure, just no scales!

    i think this might help me so im going to do it
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    I'm up for no weigh in for 2 weeks, i get into the habit of weighing and end up doing it every couple of days which is terrible! measuring every pound on and off lol

    weighed this morning and i am 153lbs... Not as bad as I thought it would be, month end I WILL be 147!!!!
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109
    sooo had a good day yest exercise and eating n did have 2 biscuits but i think thy fitted into my cal :tongue:

    butt today bn to a bbq and i wasnt THAT bad i had only had a butterd bun befor hand n thn at the bbq i had 2 small burgers in bun, sausage in bun n piece of pork so idk :indifferent: i cut the grass today though so that must have burnt some cals too...

    but not weighin in til monday and hoping for a good day 2morra, probs no exercise sesh til tuesday but i dnt think its lookin good for me to lose 7lbs befor i go on holiday:frown:

    the past week has been rlllli good though as 5 diff ppl hav commented on my weight n iv evn bn called skinny HA! i feel toned everywer but my arms n chest n stomach but i can see its gettin smaller n tighter jus my stomach still feels big but it is gettin smaller nywy jus fort id tlk bout this n wel am done haha

    seee yas :smile:
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Hi everyone :flowerforyou: :smile:

    I'm back from my hols and have finished my dissertation - YAY!

    Put on 4 lbs on hols - the half board buffet was just too tempting (nothing to do with my willpower :embarassed: ). My end of studies/freedom celebrations are getting in the way now :drinker: but I'm getting back on the wagon next week. Wish me luck !
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    hi everyone

    welcome back lorro!!

    i've managed not to weigh in so far, and i got back to the gym today burned 663cals (didnt have the walk to and from the gym)

    getting back on track so far today
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member

    Bad last week... not gonna lie i did indulge a little too much (not all in diary) Oops! Soo... i have made it my mission to plan ahead (as you can see in my diary) all my meals up until friday (cause friday is a weird day and i never know whats going to happen)... I wasn't in the right frame of mind last week to go to the gym, count cals.. i think its because i saw my ex for the first time in a few months.. and it lead to me eating.. (not usually an emotional eater) but hey ho!

    Anyways.. Im getting right back on track.. the next couple of days im going to shock my body with low cal, low carbs... and then go back to 1,200... just to give myself a kick in the butt!! :laugh: I'm hoping it kick starts things again!!!

    sooo.. im hoping by the end of August i will be within reach of my 10stone goal... hope so!!

    :heart: Katherine
  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Welcome back Lorro!

    I have a feeling this is going to be a good week. I weighed myself on Monday (only weighing myself once a week) and I've lost a pound from the week before. My eating has been good so far for this week and I've done my exercises tonight. I don't want to jinx myself though, the boyfriend is staying tomorrow and Thursday, so that usually means bad food! I will RESIST!!

    Katherine, I think you're allowed to eat a bit more when you see your ex. Get some pic n mix! I was at the cinema on Sunday seeing The Ugly Truth - has anyone seen that? - but I didn't have any sweets, I had popcorn instead! Just as bad for my teeth.

    Amy x
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Morning everyone!!!

    Amy - I know i should lighten up about the whole indulging thing but sometimes it gets to me that i will work so hard to avoid the things i love that when i do have them i have a complete blow out which is never a good idea... soooo i just try not to eat them at all....

    OOOOhhhh i just had a sachet of Maple Syrup Oats so simple with my normal porridge.. tasted ah-mazing... it is going to be my weekly treat!! :tongue: the rest of the time ill have half a banana and muesli in it!!

    Was going to go for a run last night but myyyy god it was waaay too hot outside.. so i went to the gym instead! was good i did loads of toning :bigsmile:

    Anywhoo where is everyone???? You've all dissapeared off the face of MyfitnessPal!!! :sad:

    :heart: Katherine
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    I was at the cinema on Sunday seeing The Ugly Truth - has anyone seen that?

    YES!! oh my gosh it was so funny! i loved it, what did you think?

    ive had a bad day today, went to the lake district and had a cavery lunch then had chinese takeway for dinner, going to the cinema too - will resist food there.

    back on track tomorrow and the gym on friday
  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    I was at the cinema on Sunday seeing The Ugly Truth - has anyone seen that?

    YES!! oh my gosh it was so funny! i loved it, what did you think?

    I thought it was hilarious! I was laughing out loud the whole time, and some of it was really cringey! What are you going to/did you see at the cinema today?
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109

    so im going to weigh in 2morra morning and i hav a good feeling about having a 2lb weight loss :happy:

    also iv changed my ticker to lose another 7lbs as my frst goal is nearly done and i think i still need to lose more, but i wos in the changing rooms in h&m today and i looked really different but in a good way haha so wen ppl have been comenting on my weight and iv thought shut up i look no diferent but omg i do :bigsmile: alsooo down a size in t-shirt im a medium/large now and also im not sure if im down in jeans size as iv tried 34" on today and thy kept falling down and wen i tried 32" thy fitted but i own a few pairs of 34" and thy fit ok so i dnt know its probs jus the shops doin diff sizes nywy cyaaas il check in 2morra hopin for my weight loss:bigsmile:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    wow things are slow around here recently?

    well ive gone back again, im back at 152lbs :grumble: boyfriend and i have a bet
    if i can lose 7lbs before i go back to uni he will give me £20
    if i dont lose 7lbs i owe him £20

    pretty good motivation for me because i am very stingy with money lol

    so ive got 5 weeks to lose 7lbs - i think i can do that!!
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    ok guys and gals so i'm 5 weeks in and have lost 10pounds. on target for my goal but still 17 weeks to go. I'm going to start more cardio this week but dont get alot time to go to the gym through work commitments. Any ideas?
    I already walk to work twice a week wich is 7 mile round trip. thinking of making that 3 times now.
    Got some weights at home too, so guess doing a few sets a night maybe the next step.

    Please feel free to give me some more tips, i got my diet spot on so this is the next step and will really help me motor towards my goals

    Hope all are well and lossing loads

  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    Katherine , I'll come kick u up the *kitten* if you want:tongue: , being just round the corner it'll be as good for me as it is for you. sure i'd burn some calories kicking you a little lol

    James x

    Bad last week... not gonna lie i did indulge a little too much (not all in diary) Oops! Soo... i have made it my mission to plan ahead (as you can see in my diary) all my meals up until friday (cause friday is a weird day and i never know whats going to happen)... I wasn't in the right frame of mind last week to go to the gym, count cals.. i think its because i saw my ex for the first time in a few months.. and it lead to me eating.. (not usually an emotional eater) but hey ho!

    Anyways.. Im getting right back on track.. the next couple of days im going to shock my body with low cal, low carbs... and then go back to 1,200... just to give myself a kick in the butt!! :laugh: I'm hoping it kick starts things again!!!

    sooo.. im hoping by the end of August i will be within reach of my 10stone goal... hope so!!

    :heart: Katherine