My journey so far...

d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
I've been overweight since I was 10 years old.
I was pushing 200 by the time I was a sophomore in high school. The summer before junior year I dropped about 20 lbs the wrong way. I wasn't eating, instead I'd down a 2 liter bottle of coke a day.
By 2000, I'd gotten up to 240 and stayed there for a few years until I joined 24 Hour Fitness in 2003. I was able to get down to about 200, but I still wasn't eating right. The only thing that changed was that I was exercising every night for 2-3 hours. When the exercising stopped, I started gaining weight again.
End of 2004 I changed jobs and moved; I was walking more and went back to about 200.
Mid 2005 I changed jobs and moved again, my job kept me pretty active, but I was also eating more, so my weight slowly increased.
At this point, if I went to Burger King, I would typically get 2 original chicken sandwiches, 2 double cheeseburgers, large fries and large coke. If I went to Jack in the Box, I'd get the ultimate bacon cheeseburger, 2 or 4 tacos, large curly fries and a large coke. Taco Bell? A nachos bell grande and 3 soft taco supremes (they don't serve coke at Taco Bell, so I'd usually stop by McDonalds or whichever the closest fast food place was that served coke and get one there, along with fries or a burger). Anywhere I went, even though the meals were already huge, I'd have to get that extra something (or two, or three).
Late 2008 I got an office job, so I was hardly moving, but I kept eating like I had been and my weight quickly shot up to about 300 by the end of of 2009.
It was at this point that the decision of whether or not I would buy a shirt or pants stopped being "Do I like it?" and started being "Does it fit?" I was wearing 2XL shirts and they were getting tight.
I got married in 2010 and there was so much stuff going on leading up to the wedding and in our first year of marriage, that I wasn't looking at my weight at all. However, my body was suffering. I couldn't sleep on my back because I'd stop breathing (sleep apnea, I think), if I ate close to when I went to sleep, I'd sometimes wake up coughing and gagging, bile would travel up my esophagus and into my nose while I was sleeping. Late 2011, I started keeping a food diary. I cut back on what I was eating some, but I wasn't exercising.
For Christmas 2011, my wife wanted a treadmill because she wanted to get in shape. We purchased one but it wasn't delivered until mid January of this year. Put it together, and lo and behold, weight limit is 250. I weighed in at 288.
I didn't let that stop me. I got serious about keeping track of my food. I've started exercising every day. I'm lucky that my wife and I are doing this together. I may not have even attempted it if it wasn't for her. This part of my journey has barely begun, and I know it will get tough, and I'll see setbacks, but I am not giving up this time. This time, I'm doing it right.

If you read this all the way through (and even if you just skimmed), thanks.



  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    Oops, didn't mean to put my ticker twice.
    Not sure how to edit my posts...
  • ForeverIrish
    ForeverIrish Posts: 232 Member

    I admire you! 43 pounds is a tremendous feat! I'm looking to lose around 30, and I know how tempting it can be to head through a drive thru. I never met a Big Mac I didn't like. The last couple of weeks I've found that keeping track of my food really surprised me. I get roped into a lot of work lunches, and it seems like there's always pressure to split dessert or order something that isn't such a good choice. You've really done well--you've talked about how its a combination of both exercise and diet that key to losing weight.

    Warm wishes,

  • KountryGirl4ever
    KountryGirl4ever Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! I did read your post ALL the way through and was touched by your journey so far!

    I think with the support of your wife and the motivation to get healthy that you will be successfull in your efforts to gain control of your weight. I'm fairly new to MFP myself but am loving the site, the tools to help us track our goal, and the support!

    I suggest you surround yourself around those who motivate you, keep moving forward and NEVER look back.

    You will find thru MFP what works for some and what hasn't worked for others... take it all in and find what works best for you.

    IF you need add'l support, we're ALL here for the same reason!! Good luck in your journey!!

  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    Thanks ForeverIrish and Kelly. Good luck on your journeys.