MFP says 1200 cal/day, but...

ctychick Posts: 43 Member
I'm new and looking for some clarification...

I'm going through all the AMAZING before/after pix and people keep saying things like "I was doing 1200/day because I didn't know any better and only lost..." And I'm also seeing that many people's daily calories are 1500-1600. Some of the comments lead me to believe that even at the beginning, the daily calorie allowance assigned by MFP isn't necessarily the best place to start.

Now, I just started a few days ago, so I'm assuming that if MFP says 1200 (plus 3x/week exercise extras), then that's what it should be until it tells me differently? Of course I realize that everyone is different in terms of timing, results, etc., but if there's something I should be doing differently to step up the progress in a healthy way, please let me know! Thanks!


  • resan224
    resan224 Posts: 30 Member
    I think 1200 calories is low, but probably because 24 lbs ISNT A TON of weight to lose! I'm really not sure, but I'm trying to lose about the same...Where are you from?
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    How many pounds are you set to lose a week? With 24lbs to lose, you should aim for .5-1 lbs a week. It's not that much to lose. What are your stats?
  • LolaVersion2
    LolaVersion2 Posts: 114 Member
    aim for .5 pound loss per week so that you don't burn yourself out. the slow turtle did win the race you know :)
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    I'm new and looking for some clarification...

    I'm going through all the AMAZING before/after pix and people keep saying things like "I was doing 1200/day because I didn't know any better and only lost..." And I'm also seeing that many people's daily calories are 1500-1600. Some of the comments lead me to believe that even at the beginning, the daily calorie allowance assigned by MFP isn't necessarily the best place to start.

    Now, I just started a few days ago, so I'm assuming that if MFP says 1200 (plus 3x/week exercise extras), then that's what it should be until it tells me differently? Of course I realize that everyone is different in terms of timing, results, etc., but if there's something I should be doing differently to step up the progress in a healthy way, please let me know! Thanks!

    1200 calories per day is fine, but.....

    You need to ensure you eat lots of protein and cut out all junk and rubbish food. If you do not, you will not feel full and are more likely to end up snacking and then, breaking your eating plan.

    I am on 1200 calories per day and exercise on top of that too, it is fine.

    Some people will say 1200 calories is too low because they are trying to find an excuse to eat more - nobody specific, just some I have noticed do this continuously on the forum. However, when you go through their food diary, you will see why they are hungry (that MacDonalds and Chips accompanied by six doughnuts sort of used up all their calories and more and they wonder why they have none left for dinner, sort of thing).

    Seriously, it is fine.
  • Feathil
    Feathil Posts: 162 Member
    Two days ago I had a choice between brown rice or veggies (asparagus, green beans, peppers etc) to have for dinner to finish off a stir sauce I wanted out of my fridge.

    50g of brown rice was 150cal.
    310g of veggies was 90cal.

    I chose the veggies and felt full for the evening :) just to show that decemberchild is onto something there, it's all about clever choices. I'm on 1200 so I have to be careful in what I choose, there's less room for error, but my target was only 12lbs. When I get to maintenance I'll have more room for manoeuvre.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    For most people that are on 1200 cals, it is not the best intake for them, most chose a weekly weight loss goal that is too aggressive. Here is a guide for setting weekly deficits, and on top of this when you workout you should eat those calories back. So if you are on 1200 cals and burn 300, you should eat 1500 for the day.

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.
  • ctychick
    ctychick Posts: 43 Member
    Great info everyone. Thanks!

    I'm actually surprised that I'm not feeling more hungry at the end of the day, and I do think I'm making pretty good food choices. That said, I do need to lower my weekly weight loss goal. I'm realizing that my current goal is too aggressive. I'm going to wait until my full first week is over, just so I start from a level playing ground and bc it will be an interesting point of comparison.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    I'm new and looking for some clarification...

    I'm going through all the AMAZING before/after pix and people keep saying things like "I was doing 1200/day because I didn't know any better and only lost..." And I'm also seeing that many people's daily calories are 1500-1600. Some of the comments lead me to believe that even at the beginning, the daily calorie allowance assigned by MFP isn't necessarily the best place to start.

    Now, I just started a few days ago, so I'm assuming that if MFP says 1200 (plus 3x/week exercise extras), then that's what it should be until it tells me differently? Of course I realize that everyone is different in terms of timing, results, etc., but if there's something I should be doing differently to step up the progress in a healthy way, please let me know! Thanks!

    1200 calories per day is fine, but.....

    You need to ensure you eat lots of protein and cut out all junk and rubbish food. If you do not, you will not feel full and are more likely to end up snacking and then, breaking your eating plan.

    I am on 1200 calories per day and exercise on top of that too, it is fine.

    Some people will say 1200 calories is too low because they are trying to find an excuse to eat more - nobody specific, just some I have noticed do this continuously on the forum. However, when you go through their food diary, you will see why they are hungry (that MacDonalds and Chips accompanied by six doughnuts sort of used up all their calories and more and they wonder why they have none left for dinner, sort of thing).

    Seriously, it is fine.

    How the heck can you say it's fine without knowing the full body composition of the OP? You're taking what's worked for you and applying is broadly to anyone who supports your 1200 cal diet
  • Jason_Hall
    Jason_Hall Posts: 10 Member
    I think it depends on how much a person has to lose. For myself, 1200 is okay most of the time and I'm losing. I do have some weeks when I stall. When that happens I bounce calories. One day 1200 then the next 1500-1600 then back and forth. It doesn't work for everyone, but it might be worth a try. Remember no one can tell you exactly what you should do. It'll take a bit of experimentation. Everyone's body reacts differently. Good luck.
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    I'm just too hungry to stay on 1200 cals a day, so I suppose I'm one of those people just looking for an excuse to eat more ;-)

    I make sure I do 300 cals exercise a day so I can eat 1500 cals.

    I know myself if I try to stick too low that I won't stick with the program long term.

  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    For most people that are on 1200 cals, it is not the best intake for them, most chose a weekly weight loss goal that is too aggressive. Here is a guide for setting weekly deficits, and on top of this when you workout you should eat those calories back. So if you are on 1200 cals and burn 300, you should eat 1500 for the day.

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.

    Those are guides only you don't necessarily have to follow it.
  • trysha1231
    trysha1231 Posts: 163 Member
    You should read this thread.....
    There is a huge debate over the amount of calories you should/ should not eat....But this thread truly lays out the proper calculation on how much you NEED to eat each day to lose weight and to avoid stalling.
  • DibsL
    DibsL Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I've lost weight very slowly and it has stayed off, and if or when I cheat over the odd weekend the weight doesn't come flying back on. Generally eat around 1500 to 1900 calories per day, did try the 1250 calories per day thing (for a few days only!) but it wasn't enough nutrition for me with exercising and very busy job etc. Think it depends on the individual. Interesting thought, I met someone the other day who said he had been very obese a few years back and a doctor had given him this advice. Take your weight in lbs, multiply that by 15, and you should get the number of calories you should eat daily to maintain your weight. Then if you reduce that by 300 calories per day you should lose around 1lb per week. Eg. if you weight 145lbs x 15 = 2175 calories per day less 300 calories per day = daily intake of 1875 calories per day should equate to a lb per week weight loss (or 600 calories less would equate to 2lbs per week weight loss). Then you recalculate your calorie intake as you lose weight and it reduces slowly and in line with what your body needs. I haven't actually tried it as I don't focus much on my weight but rather just eat sensibly and exercise, and gradually I have lost a couple of pounds per month over the last year, sometimes less. But his suggestion does sound sensible
  • daisyverma
    daisyverma Posts: 234 Member
    I tried 1200 calories but couldn't maintain it

    So I upped it to 1300
    But I find myself eating 1500 to 1700

    It's very hard for me personally to eat so few calories but everyone is different

    I am losing weight but at a slower pace. However I feel happier and full.

    Also being vegetarian ( one who loves junk food) it's hard to focus solely on protein cause I hate