Weigh in ~~~ Sept 20th Challenge......

Sept 20th Challege....... Page: « Prev 1 2 3 Next »

Posts: 48
Fri 08/07/09 05:39 AMQUOTE:

Hope everyone has had a great week. Looking forward to our weigh ins tomorrow.

Okay..I only lost 1 lb..
was 133.0 Im now 132.0

I did walk everynight...but I guess I wasnt real good with my eating......
Edited by Kanderson47 on Fri 08/07/09 05:40 AM


    MRSWESSON Posts: 107
    Good Morning all and happy friday!!!

    Well I am still at 189 but have not gained so I am ok with that. I have not been watching my eating habits like I should be so I am not surprised, and haven't stuck to my work out routine...not due to laziness but a lot of stressful events going on lately. I hope everyone had a successful week!