anyone 5weeks pregnant and shattered?

I Never thought i would be this tired. I have hardly any energy and would be asleep all day if i didn't take my vitamins. Just wondered anyone else was at a similar stage?
I know its cos my body is makin a safe home in my belly for my baby to live for the next 8months but i can't even stay on the elliptical for more than 15mins without my legs giving up and i feel like iv ran a marathon!

Get at me girls x


  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    I was the same way. As I recall, it will come and go in stages, there are lots of hospitals and gyms in my area that have special programs just for mom's to be, you might see what you have in your area. yoga and water areobics or dance, basically things that keep you moving but aren't focused on weight loss but instead focus on strength and stretching are best. If you are sleepy though don't be afraid to sleep because the bright side is you're going to have a great metabolism for the next several months.
  • GeorgieT23
    Good point! Im so glad Im only working 3 days a week. Wen i work though Im on my feet from 9-6
    and literally sometimes don't sit til Im on the train home. i will look out for some classes and all the ones at my gym are included in the price so i may Just do that. Thanks mink
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    The first 12 weeks are EXHAUSTING! The only thing that ever compared for me was having mono. Don't push yourself to do too much, especially since you are already working on your feet all day some days. You should feel significantly better in a couple of months. Congrats! :smile:
  • GeorgieT23
    Thanks love! I shall
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    Just found out I am pregnant, too. I feel you on the exhaustion. I keep seeing these pregnant ladie sat the gym and all I can think is,"I should be able to do that", but have no energy.
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    Options is comletely normal to be that sleepy! Listen to your body and take cat naps if you need...Don't worry about pushing yourself thru exercise, and make sure you check with your dr. first about it.

    Enjoy the rest now! As your pregnancy progresses you will be up thru the night to use the bathroom and then the baby will have you up...

    Each person has a different pregnancy, so don't compare yours to someone' elses...and each pregnancy you have is differetn so you can't compare from baby to baby...

    Rest, take your vitamins, eat well, eat often, drink water and enjoy!

  • steadk
    steadk Posts: 334 Member
    when i was pregnant with my first, i felt i could have slept the entire first trimester away, whether i took vitamins or not!!! It didn't help working and going to school full time. Just get rest as much as you can, but still make time to be a healthy momma. Congratulations!! And i wish you the best in this new journey in your life :) it's a wonderful one!!
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Sleepy is so part of it but watch yoru food,. don't undereat but then again don't overeat, lol. Talk to your obstetrician or your doctor about your diet. You can compensate some by tweaking your diet to fuel the changes, both for you and the baby. Food is the best medicine in the right dose, lol.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Be sure to check with your dr. on exercise. I did aerobics up to 7 1/2 months (back in the day) but had to carefully monitor body temp and heart rate. TIRED? Hell yes, I would fall asleep mid sentence and had to schedule a nap at lunch at work. LOL
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    First and third trimesters were sleepy time for me. But the second?? That's when I had a major energy boost. Don't push it, when you feel tired! Building a baby is hard work :heart:
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    It's normal, its one of the hormones that causes the tiredness but I forgot which one. I know I always felt like I had taken some sleeping pills with how tired I would get. You're in for a ride with changes :)
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    The first trimester is very tiring. Just do what you can. You'll get some energy back in the second trimester. That's usually the best part of the pregnancy. I worked out during both my pregnancies. If I was too tired, I just didn't do it or did something light. You don't want to divert your body's energy from the little life it's growing!
  • EricaG86
    EricaG86 Posts: 28
    im 7 weeks pregant today. I'm really tired all the time and i cant find the energy to do anything. I use to work out all the time and i havent worked out in almost 2 months..I feel sluggish.