Belly Fat Cure

I have just begun the Belly Fat Cure and have lost over 5lbs the first week. I would love to hear from others on this program.


  • I just started on Saturday, so far so good. I feel like it's something I can stick to and not feel deprived.
  • I've never heard of this product? Is it a like a cleanse/ pill or something diffrent?
  • The Belly Fat Cure is a book written by Jorge Cruise. It's a diet that is all about watching your carbs and sugars. Also getting artificial sweeteners out of your diet. I haven't done that quite yet. I love diet pepsi. But I am eating healthy carbs and staying below 15 grams of sugar a day. I feel great. I have only been doing it since Saturday and can feel a difference. I don't feel deprived, I eat and feel satisfied. I know some people have said they don't believe you can eat to loose weight in one general area. I believe certain foods trigger my body to gain weight, and I just so happen to gain weight first in my mid section. Those foods for me are sugars and unhealthy carbs, and watching those in my diet does cause me to loose weight. I have been doing this since Saturday and the scale has already gone down 4 pounds. I am trying to only weigh in on Saturday's but after feeling as good as I've felt I jumped on the scale and it was down 4 pounds. I'm happy about that. If you want to check out a motivating blog about a girl that lost a bunch of weight on this diet go to She has before and after pictures, she looks amazing.
  • scorpionqueen72
    scorpionqueen72 Posts: 13 Member
    Yeah, I have lost 8.5 lbs so far. My life has been quite hectic and I haven't been eating the way I should. My niece gave birth 5 weeks early on the 16th and that started the craze...then my anniversary was the 22nd...we indulged. I still lost 1.5 lbs for that week so I'm happy. This week I am going to start exercising so more loss to come. I bought the on the go Belly Fat Cure book which has helped tremendously. I am trying to make healthy choices...definitely not interested in leaning towards the Atkins type of food. I also follow the me and jorge blog. I have learned more from her than his website, actually.

    I am new to this site, so I didn't know there were any replies until just now. Sorry for the delay in responding.

    Tina :)
  • ForeverIrish
    ForeverIrish Posts: 227 Member
    I'm glad I read your post. I have a coworker that told me that Splenda could actually be making me fatter! She swore Truvia wouldn't do this, but I'm trying only two use two packets a day. I'll have to take a look at this book on my next trip to Barnes and Noble.
  • rkh816
    rkh816 Posts: 1 Member
    I am also following the plan, keep yoyoing but this week have committed much better to it. I keep my sugars under, my problem is the carbs. I haven't transitioned yet to the sugar substitutes he recommends, keep hearing different things on splenda, etc that it's not as bad for you as some say so I don't know!
  • VAgal123
    VAgal123 Posts: 35
    I've been doing this side Monday and down 2 lbs. Hardest thing was giving up Splenda in my coffee but I'm getting used to liquid Stevia. Can't stand the powdered..bitter aftertaste. To get rid of your Dt. Pepsi, try the Zevia's great! I'm not a big soda fan but I bought some "just in case" and my kids drank them! So....that's an endorsement right there!

    There is a group on here but I'm the only one who has logged into it all week so I say we all friend one another for support.....even though this doesn't even feel like a diet!

    Just started exercising yesterday...sore today so have been slacking but will hit treadmill before bed!

    Good luck to you all!
  • scorpionqueen72
    scorpionqueen72 Posts: 13 Member
    I definitely recommend the book and I have learned so much from that website it's crazy. The book breaks down all the sugars individually so you can see why you should stay away from them. I never understood either. Basically, for Sucralose (Splenda), it has been revealed to reduce the amount of "good" gut bacteria by 50%. Gut bacteria are essential for promoting a healthy digestive system and regular bowel movements, which help you get rid of false belly fat. It also contains chlorine and it can cause damage to your organs and reproduction functions. Not good.

    One thing I found that I highly HIGHLY recommend is Amberlyn Chocolate. You get it at road shows at Costco or on their website. This chocolate is made with Mylitol, a sugar alcohol (this one is the highest grade you can get) and it's completely sugar free. It does not taste sugar free at all! NO fav is the dark chocolate freakin' good. It did kinda give my husband gas (he thinks), but I have had no reactions, other than pure bliss!

    Congrats on your weight losses! I hope we lose a lot more!