Hoping it works this time.

Just joined today. Really could use some friends to help me stay on track. All my galpals are super skinny and I'm tired of being the fat friend. Not really sure how this site works yet, but I am really hopeful!


  • hey, deborah, nice to meet you. I go by beggarseam. kim, for short. aanyway I read your post and it got me to thinking and I wanted to tell you...you have a goal of losing weight, yay for you!!!! but do not devalue yourself for any weight you happen to be right now. I guess what I'm trying to say is , your dreams don't have to be put on hold until you lose weight. if you want to run a race..start training....if you want to sing..starting training your voice....paint..same thing.....my half sister restores cars anything....much inspiration.

  • You will love this site. I originally started using in two years ago and successfully lost 50 pounds in 6 months with good old fashioned exercise and eating right! Unfortunately I fell off of the wagon and have gained about half of that weigh back. So, here I am again and I am even more determined than ever. I am also looking for encouragement from friends, so please feel free to add me!