Is myfitnesspal really enough???



  • mchowell73
    Congrats on losing 20 pounds in the first place! That's a huge thing! I've been consistently active for several years doing tae kwon do and various other cardio and strength training at least three days a week. But I'm still overweight. I had the mentality that since I'm working out, I should be able to eat whatever I want as long as it's in "moderation." Well, I'm seeing that I'm steadily gaining instead of losing. So, after reading the following post on facebook, it finally clicked: You get fit in the gym, but you lose weight in the kitchen. If you are doing everything right in the gym (or on the track) and still gaining, then focus on what you're eating and what you need to be eating. In the last two weeks, I've cut out junk food and chocolate and made sure that the majority of food on my plate is vegetables. Now my body doesn't crave the junk and I feel better. The pounds are not coming off as fast as I would like, but I don't have the blood sugar crashes and I have more energy. So don't stop working out! And don't give up! It's a slow process.
  • MrsRobinson85
    I quit the running but continued the p90x workouts, inconsistent as they were, but what shocked me was the short amount of time it took to see the weight come back to my midsection. That is what disturbed me. That is what made me think that I cannot do this forever. It's crazy and made me wonder if the way I was eating (which was textbook myfitnesspal) may be the reason I am not succeeding. It was only a thought and these are some amazing responses. I am reading every single one of them and you are all amazing people!!!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Better detail on setting up high calorie diets here.

    Shameless self promotion but i've had 95% success with this approach.
    Follow directions to the letter and youll be shedding fat in no time.
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    Congrats on losing 20 lbs!! That is a huge accomplishment. I know you said you're not sure what your question is, but I think you've gotten the right answer here. You saw success with working out, and plateaued when you stopped being consistent. I don't think you gained weight back, I think you lost muscle tone. I am new here, and learning (a lot) as I go, but I think you have to find the right balance of diet and exercise for YOU and that's what will improve your health and fitness.

    Don't get discouraged. You've made so much progress already. You can do it, but it's hard work and you have to stick with a diet and exercise plan. You are lucky you can run and see results. Do more of that.

    As for the question of "Is myfitnesspal really enough?" I think YES, it can be. If you utilize it as a journal space to track your food and exercise to show you when you're doing great and when you need to tweak something, but more importantly for the community resource, where there are so many people with great information ready to share it! Just stick to it and know a bad day (or 3) doesn't mean failure, it just adds a little more challenge.
  • jennifernewman1
    Thanks Dan, very informative!!!!!
  • janegalt37
    janegalt37 Posts: 270 Member
    Better detail on setting up high calorie diets here.

    Shameless self promotion but i've had 95% success with this approach.
    Follow directions to the letter and youll be shedding fat in no time.


    Trust me. Dan has helped soooo many of us here. :drinker: