lt's discuss rest days

i know I have been flooding the forums with questions, some overlapping with others, and I appreciate the feedback I am getting. that said, I have another question that may have been touched on, but wanted a bit more clarification.

I am doing my 3 day split for lifting now, arms/shoulders day 1, legs day 2, chest/back day 3.

for the interim, should I be just straight up resting between days? or should I just be avoiding doing overlapping exercises from the previous day, and going on with day 2 immediately?

currently, I'm hearing 'just rest' for the interim days, I just want to make sure that doesn't have negative reprecussions.

thanks for the support


  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    I would look into an A/B style workout where you hit full body exercises if you are only planning on hitting the gym 3 times a week. And yes rest on the off days, do some cardio if you want.
  • TrainersRoom
    Nice discussions are going on!
    Hello Kealambert! Sorry, I don't have any suggestions for you now. But I appreciate your enthusiasm.
    All the best for your physical fitness.. :)
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    well, i do an HIIT ultimate frisbee day on mondays as well, and occasionally a game of racquetball on either sat/sun

    so, i do at least 4 days, occasionally 5, but lift 3 days
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Trust Phrak on this. I know my **** and look to him for advice

    I too stress about this. I do 3 days weights and have a hard time justifying cardio over rest. What cals do I eat? Am I resting muscles enough. I am just going to walk 30 mins twice a week and sometimes hit the streets with the family which normally leads to a monkey on my shoulders for a mile or 2
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member
    Keep asking your questions - I enjoy all the info that arises from them. :smile:
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    well, i do an HIIT ultimate frisbee day on mondays as well, and occasionally a game of racquetball on either sat/sun

    so, i do at least 4 days, occasionally 5, but lift 3 days

    HIIT or just playing a game. Most people have no idea what HIIT actually is on these boards. If its just a game, its probably not HIIT. You should be fine with that amount of cardio. Look at stronglifts/starting strength for some decent 3-day/week workouts.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    like someone said above...if you are just starting out a full body workout plan is best.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    No rest for the wicked. If you don't plan a rest day your body will definitely let you know about it. I have tried the give it hell workouts and its a pace you don't need. I use to do 4 on 1 off 3 on 1 off and then start over.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    well, i do an HIIT ultimate frisbee day on mondays as well, and occasionally a game of racquetball on either sat/sun

    so, i do at least 4 days, occasionally 5, but lift 3 days

    HIIT or just playing a game. Most people have no idea what HIIT actually is on these boards. If its just a game, its probably not HIIT. You should be fine with that amount of cardio. Look at stronglifts/starting strength for some decent 3-day/week workouts.

    I suppose I maybe misunderstand the difference then. I always understood it as an activity where you do different actions like sprinting, jogging, walking and jumping, using and 'confusing' your muscles as it were.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I am doing a 4 day split with cardio.

    Day 1 chest/tris
    Day 2 Legs (quads/glutes/hams)
    Day 3 Rest
    Day 4 Back/bi
    Day 5 Shoulders/forearms/calves/abs/grip
    Day 6&7 Rest - weekends are still pretty active though with yard work, hiking, biking or whatever.

    On my rest days I mostly just rest. Gym time is for tearing down muscle. Rest time is for building it back up. By the time I hit a muscle group again it has had a full week to rest.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    i only go to the gym when i go to work, i go at least 3 days a week, usually 4. I do everything once and in this order

    if i go three days, i skip shoulders. On day 5, I usually hit they heavy bag for 30 min, and maybe 10 on a treadmill. on my days off i do nothing.

    i like to go into the lifting days without soreness and start fresh every week, and this plan makes that happen for me. Its my second day off now, and my chest and tri are still a little sore from 3 days ago. If the muscle doesn't get sore, you didn't get it done.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    my man.