Hello All.

Hiya! My name is Leah and I'm new to this site. Wondering if anyone needs a fitness pal or a pal for encouragement? :) I could sure use some! Let me know. I'd love to hear your goals, too!


  • Ayeshat
    Ayeshat Posts: 209
    Hi leah and welcome :-)... the more friends u have, the more support u get.. friend request comin ur way
  • Hello and thank you :) I'm trying to lose like 60-70 pounds. Fat chance.
  • SlvrLyssa
    SlvrLyssa Posts: 41 Member
    The people on here are totally friendly & helpful! Sending a request your way. I'm trying to lose almost 60 pounds, we can do it!!! :D
  • Ayeshat
    Ayeshat Posts: 209
    lool, its funny how fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing, anyhoo baby steps and it'll happen..
  • Hello! I am trying to lose about 60 pounds myself & definitely need some motivation. I just started Monday :)
  • LOL. True story. We CAN do it. We have to stop being so impatient.

    My biggest vice is SODA. I am trying my darnest to give that crap up. What about you guys?
  • SlvrLyssa
    SlvrLyssa Posts: 41 Member
    Read '84 lbs Gone forever! (pics)' on the Success Stories forums, really there is a lot of motivation on there. :D
  • Ayeshat
    Ayeshat Posts: 209
    I was never much of a soda person.. and chocolate used to be a big problem... but now its the convenient fast food that's my demon... especially if I miss my bus and have to wait another 30 mins and there's like a burger king right behind me.. the horror
  • SlvrLyssa
    SlvrLyssa Posts: 41 Member
    Drinking & being lazy have been my latest down fall, which I find hanging out & drinking leads to sitting around being lazy...
  • SlvrLyssa
    SlvrLyssa Posts: 41 Member
    there's like a burger king right behind me.. the horror

    Mmmm, cheeseburgers & fries!! So those too. lol
  • Me too all. I want to lose 40 lbs. I love wine. I know drinking and dieting are no no's. It's the weekends that kill me. I workout right now 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. I know that is not near enough if I really want to drop pounds. Oh, and I seem to want to eat like my husband and son can !
  • I haven't had a soda since Monday & I happen to.....well....LOVE SODA! So I am doing pretty good. I have been keeping a 32oz water bottle full at all times which seems to help a little & I'm getting my water for the day after just 1 refill. I love wine & beer as well, how many glasses of wine could you allow yourself a week to still stay healthy? Anyone know?
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal. :smile:
  • Thanks everyone! and I hear ya! Taco Bell is the reason that I gained so much weight. It's addictive.

    I keep a 24oz water bottle with me and drink two full bottles of it per day, I need to start drinking more though. I find myself eating taco bell like once a week though. Shame on me.

    and let me tell you, I have NO support system at home, meaning that my boyfriend eats crap and soda and looks good and won't not eat it around me so... I can't resist the urge to get something from TB when he does. LOL
  • I haven't had a soda since Monday & I happen to.....well....LOVE SODA! So I am doing pretty good. I have been keeping a 32oz water bottle full at all times which seems to help a little & I'm getting my water for the day after just 1 refill. I love wine & beer as well, how many glasses of wine could you allow yourself a week to still stay healthy? Anyone know?

    I don't believe in not having the things you love. I say, drink it in increments or drink it once a week. You're allowed to have a chill/Eat a little bit of junk day. But only a little! lol
  • Ayeshat
    Ayeshat Posts: 209
    loool thats the worst!! it's horrible to try avoiding eating something when its right in ur face and u can smell it... hmm who was it that said a small glass of red a day is good and i totally agree about not getting rid of everything u love... its a sad truth that food is literally our lives... what is the gist of what we do, eat and sleep lol so if food becomes boring... i think life would be just that little bit worse
  • Ayeshat
    Ayeshat Posts: 209
    oh and america is not my friend.. the food is so good there.. i went there on holiday and gained like half a stone
  • Leah,

    Each one of us can use all the help we can get. I would like to have more friends on here.

  • Hello Everyone,

    Hope everyone is enjoying this nice warm weather. My name is Ruth and I am needing some friends on here. I have about 50lbs to lose. If anyone lives in the Evansville, IN area and would like to walk please get in contact with me.
  • bolteja
    bolteja Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Leah,

    I am trying to lose 60 lbs. myself. With determination and the wonderful support we all get from this site, it's totally possible!

    I sent you a friend request!
