Never hitting my calorie goal!

I literally never meet my calorie goal for the day, but today has got out of hand. I'm completely full up from dinner, had a good day, but thanks to a taekwondo class I'm still about 600 calories under my goal!? I still find it hard to eat a lot anyway, can anyone recommend any foods that would be good to snack on? Thinking of having some cereal, and am I really eating too little? Any help would be appreciated!


  • sarahbetherck
    sarahbetherck Posts: 270 Member
    Try for a bigger breakfast -- something with protien in it to get your day going and add in some nuts or yogurt or something as snacks throughout the day. Being that far below your goal won't do you any favors in the long run.
  • JustCallMeJaz
    JustCallMeJaz Posts: 29 Member
    I know what you mean. I get 1230 cals a day... I ate breakfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, ... but because I worked out for an hour, by the time I got to dinner i had 1300 cals to consume. My dinner was only about 400, and like you, I was full. Its hard when you eat healthy to eat alot. Beacuse you dont feel hungry.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    Yes, you're really eating too little! You need to net at least 1200 calories after your workouts.

    Try adding more fat/protein to your meals. Nuts and nut butters, healthy oils, avocado, greek yogurt, eggs, protein shakes, etc. It will help if you bulked up your breakfast a little to start - maybe and egg and whole grain toast instead of cereal.

    You could add something like a glass of milk or a peanut butter sandwich to today. Gradually add more calories to your routine until you're in a healthier zone.
  • laceypolline
    my caloric intake is usually way off too, especially on days i do my kickboxing. I'll usually eat oatmeal and a banana for breakfast, a Chocolatey-Peanut butter Fiber Plus bar for a snack, Stoufer's farmers harvest has some really good frozen meals that are perfectly portioned and range anywhere from 250-500 calories but are high in protein. A spoonful of peanutbutter is good for a snack too, has about 50-100 calories, the good kind of fat, and lots of protein, or you could always go with the celery & peanut butter.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Why not shoot for increasing calories at each meal? If you know you're going to burn 600 calories in the evening, then spread them out over your day. If snacks are what you want, try nuts, drink milk, peanut butter.
  • LuneBleu85
    LuneBleu85 Posts: 217
    I would like to generously offer to eat everyone else's exercise categories
  • ferrahcn
    ferrahcn Posts: 65
    I actually drink wine to try to catch up with my
  • mamoojack
    mamoojack Posts: 22 Member
    peanut butter!!!
  • prestonmay
    prestonmay Posts: 107 Member
    My Cal intake is suppose to be 3100 to maintain... However I do only 2000 and GAIN. However the MFP most be customized so I can get 60 percent protein 30 percent carbs 10 percent fat -- By playing with those % I can change my body size , weight and look...
  • davidlbass
    davidlbass Posts: 159 Member
    As long as I am at or under I don't worry about it. I eat till I'm full and quit. Down 71 lbs doing it that way. No problems with starvation mode, plateauing or any of that stuff. One of the main reasons I exercise is so I can eat the foods I love.
  • lizziegrace10
    Thanks for all the great advice! It feels funny not being hungry and needing to eat more, but I guess it's a good thing :P
    I love all the ideas about peanut butter too, one of my favourite foods so I'm gonna have some peanut butter on wholegrain toast in a minute, should boost my calories for today right up :)
    @ferrahcn, aha I love that idea, might have to steal it sometime!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I agree with the above poster, peanut butter--dip your apple into it.

    More protein at breakfast is a good idea too.

    Also, although I know you feel full, are you sure you really are? Try eating something and see.

    Finally, add some condiments. Such as mayo (I know not the healthiest but it's what I think of when I saw her lunch) with your chicken and lettuce.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    peanut butter!!!

  • imnotyourpal
    imnotyourpal Posts: 162 Member
    I wish I had this problem. I can ALWAYS hit my calorie goal, even with eating healthy. And I'm rarely "full".
    I know what you mean. I get 1230 cals a day... I ate breakfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, ... but because I worked out for an hour, by the time I got to dinner i had 1300 cals to consume. My dinner was only about 400, and like you, I was full. Its hard when you eat healthy to eat alot. Beacuse you dont feel hungry.
  • tinamina78
    tinamina78 Posts: 241 Member
    Your diary looks pretty good. I would agree with the others who said add more protein and spread it throughout the day. Your muscles need fuel to keep you going. Try some of the following snack ideas maybe:

    *Lowfat Cottage Cheese
    *Peanut Butter on a slice of high-fiber bread (pepperidge farms soft honey whole wheat is delicious)
    *Cheese Stick (of your choice)
    *Trail Mix (not the kind with chocolate necessarily, but maybe dried fruits) - almonds, pistachios, cashews, walnuts, peanuts: they're all filled with good oils & fats.
    *A couple slices of deli meat rolled in a slice of cheese is really good and easy
    *All-beef hot dog
    *Baked Potato with Salsa & a little bit of butter

    ... the list is endless, I just thought I'd throw some ideas out there, since you asked. Keep up the great work, hon, you'll do fine!
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    Almonds too. They are great and packed with calories. Like others said, peanut butter. I have a tablespoon of coconut/day. So between my almonds and coconut oil that is 300 calories right there!! :noway:
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Geez! Taking a look at your diary, I'd be starving! :)

    Try adding in more at breakfast and maybe a mid-morning and late afternoon snack. Doesn't have to be anything major, a piece of whole wheat toast with peanut butter, a greek yogurt and some fruit, some cottage cheese, etc.
  • lmd172
    lmd172 Posts: 172
    i'm the very same way...not hungry and rarely getting to my cals...

    good luck to you!
  • trosewine
    trosewine Posts: 88
    I actually drink wine to try to catch up with my
