Hello All.



  • Hello and thank you :) I'm trying to lose like 60-70 pounds. Fat chance.

    Don't think for one minute that you can't reach your goal because anything is possible if you believe in it enough!

    By the way- welcome to the sight.
  • jbrehm28
    jbrehm28 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello :-) I am about 1/2 way to my goal.. If anyone is interested in adding me as a friend please feel free! I could use the support and would love to give some too! :smile:
  • tigerbabe2
    tigerbabe2 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi Leah, am in need of a fitness pal :smile:
  • Set a goal of losing 5 lbs. and then go to the next 5 lbs. Don't look at the big picture. Set small goals.
  • Feel free to add me, I love when people comment on how my workouts are going. My goal is to get less flabtastic and be in a size 6.
  • 43freckles
    43freckles Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Leah,

    I would like another MFP friend the more the better. It sure helps to keep each other motivated i'll send you an invite.

    Chat soon:smile:
  • Fockertots
    Fockertots Posts: 221
    Hello and thank you :) I'm trying to lose like 60-70 pounds. Fat chance.

    Fat chance? It's totally do-able. I did it just be changing my diet, without exercise. You can do anything that you want to do!

    P.S. Welcome to the site. I'm currently trying to lose another 50 WITH exercise incorporated in this time :]
  • You're all right. Baby steps. Lets hope for the best!
  • MBuckler3
    MBuckler3 Posts: 22
    Hello....I am also new to the site and looking to find some new friends for encouragement and who need the same.
  • marciabwls
    marciabwls Posts: 80 Member
    Totally agree.. Baby steps all the way... Hello I have been on here this is my 3rd week.. would also like more friends.. I am from Missouri...
  • Absolutely! I plan on getting on this site everyday so make sure to post so we can exchange feedback. I'll add just about anyone :)