Looking for positive, & life loving people to support

I am going on 10 ten days logging in and looking for more people to support and get motivation from. My name is Michelle. I am 30 years old mother of 3. Looking to make make better life habits and changes. Change is good. I love to help others and have a bit of a funny bone. I love to make people smile. Life is too short to be serious. See ya soon.
user id: michellebecerril, friend me :wink:


  • jdgarrett22
    Change is what it is all about, along with laughter. Please feel free to add me as a support.
  • mgs68pony
    mgs68pony Posts: 306 Member
    Add me if you would like to.

    mgs68pony or mdouglas@parisisid.net
  • hdg1822
    hdg1822 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi there! I too have a sense of humor. Lets be honest when losing weight you need sense of humor or things get a little crazy! Especially when you are craving something and don't have the calories for it (my poor hubby on those days). Anyways, I try and comment daily with supportive and motivating tips, etc. Feel free to add. The more support the better! Have a great one.
  • arkansascountrygirl
    arkansascountrygirl Posts: 234 Member
    you can add me for support
  • michellebecerril
    Yeah friends!!! Opps I forgot I have 4 kids (one is graduating this year so she is an adult, scary) Well, five if you include my hubby, lol