Question Adipex

Just curious what do you guys and gals think about adipex? Does it really work if anyone took it how many pounds did you loose while on it


  • miraquenice
    miraquenice Posts: 16 Member
    Took it a few years back I thought it was great i lost 60 pounds very fast. BUT.....when i stopped taking them i kept the weight off for about 4 months struggling to keep it off exercising like crazy but gained it back plus more. Its just a temporary solution best way to lose weight is just change your eating habits it will take longer but the results will last. Good Luck!!!:smile:
  • Elibasia
    Elibasia Posts: 211 Member
    As all diet pills they work lovley at first. Once the body gets use to them they stop suppressing your appetite. I strongly advise you to research de side effects.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I tried it once and it gave me the MOST EXCRUCIATING headaches I have ever had in my life. I am not one who is sensitive to diet pills and caffeine and such so when they started to happen I was in denial about it being the pills. I mean, my head was throbbing so bad I couldn't even be around my family because I would snap. I actually ended up in the emergency room because it felt like something snapped in my brain and they gave me a catscan. They gave me migraine medicine and sent me home. So after that I stopped taking them, and within a day they were gone.

    I don't recommend them. Not worth it.

    Go to GNC and see all the products they have! There is one.. Oxy somethin or other... that works really well. I've been taking it for the past month and I'm down 10 lbs, no head aches.