50+ lbs to lose (AGAIN)

Hi, my name is Jess ..... I am starting my 2nd journey to health and fitness. 2 yrs ago I lost over 80 lbs and was down to my ideal weight of 155 then I got pregnant and gained 50 lbs. 10 weeks later I am still 52 lbs heavier than my ideal weight so here I go again. I went from a size 6 last May to a size 14 now

Its hard for me to find time to excersize I have 5 kids and work full time but I am going to make an effort to get in 30 minutes either on the stationary bike or the treadmill atleast 3 times a week (hoping for 5) plus doing some strength training.

I purchased the GNC total Lean meal replacement shakes for a quick breakfast (getting kids ready for school and myself ready for work, I generally just skip breakfast). Along with having a heaping green lunch with added protien (just need to find a low calorie/fat dressing that I actually like!) and striving for a healthy dinner (most days I have 3 baseball fields to run between!) will be a little difficult!

Wish me luck !


  • Hi, my name is Jess ..... I am starting my 2nd journey to health and fitness. 2 yrs ago I lost over 80 lbs and was down to my ideal weight of 155 then I got pregnant and gained 50 lbs. 10 weeks later I am still 52 lbs heavier than my ideal weight so here I go again. I went from a size 6 last May to a size 14 now

    Its hard for me to find time to excersize I have 5 kids and work full time but I am going to make an effort to get in 30 minutes either on the stationary bike or the treadmill atleast 3 times a week (hoping for 5) plus doing some strength training.

    I purchased the GNC total Lean meal replacement shakes for a quick breakfast (getting kids ready for school and myself ready for work, I generally just skip breakfast). Along with having a heaping green lunch with added protien (just need to find a low calorie/fat dressing that I actually like!) and striving for a healthy dinner (most days I have 3 baseball fields to run between!) will be a little difficult!

    Wish me luck !

    I know how you feel. I lost so much weight a few years back. I was so cut! But I was DX with Fibro and severe back pain. I had to stop exercising to allow my break in my back to heal. So here I am again with all that to lose! But I have been cleared to exercise now and im ready to go.

    It took me awhile but I really like Poppyseed dressing! I love like Strawberry viniagrettes made with less oil, more strawberry, and a touch of honey for sweetness!!
  • joynaus
    joynaus Posts: 13 Member
    I use a fat free light balsamic sesame dressing that is really good, you can find it at Giant.

  • joynaus
    joynaus Posts: 13 Member
    I was in the same boat, I went from 205lbs and got down to my goal of 140lb in about a 2 year period, moved and then put back 40 of it back on...I am on track with getting it back off.

    My 19 year old daughter was diagnosed with fibro and scoliosis as well. She has found that yoga, and the wii fit plus exercise really help her pain and not bother it too much. She really needs some people to talk to about it because with me not having it I can't feel her pain and know what she is going through...so if you know of any groups that might be beneficial to her I would appreciate the name of them...

    Good Luck to everyone in there healthy change of life.
  • I've got 55 lbs to lose :( Diagnosed with Lupus 3 years ago and have been on prednisone steroids and its ruining my life.. I've never been this big and my confidence is gone.. along with my self esteem... I try to stick to things but its really difficult when you're in constant pain to work out. So hopefully this will be the last time I start over. I have a few trips planned and want to be fit healthy and look fab! :)
  • srea76
    srea76 Posts: 10
    Ffat free zesty Italian are good to me. Most brands are under 20 cal/2tsbn
  • carrieo888
    carrieo888 Posts: 233 Member
    Here's a trick I learned with salad dressing: Always order it on the side BUT don't put the dressing on your salad. Instead, dip the tines of your fork in the dressing then stab a heap of salad onto that fork. You will still taste the dressing, but will only eat about a teaspoon of it. When I don't want to give up my full-fat Ranch dressing, this does the trick. Otherwise, I've found that I can make my own tasty viniagrettes much cheaper than buying them (and they're healthier since they aren't heat processed).
  • rebeccask
    rebeccask Posts: 140 Member
    I know how you feel. I was at my goal weight (150) about 4 years ago after having lost 40lbs. It's so much harder for me this time around. I know what to do to lose weight, I just can't keep myself focused long enough to actually do it. Any exercise is better than none at all. I read this today "no matter how slow you're going, you're always lapping the person on the couch" I hope that helps.
  • Maple Grove Farms of Vermont... it contains far less sodium than most dressings, which is a definite bonus in my book...95 mg sodium; 3g carbs...Awesome!!! http://www.maplegrove.com/product_detail.asp?pid=22