Newbie looking for support

Hi everyone! I've been using MFP for about 2 weeks now and just realized there was an online community. :embarassed: I am finding myself needing a little extra help b/c I am the only one working on a new lifestyle in my house (it's not really a diet b/c I'm hoping to stick to this long term) and noone seems to understand my want/need to do this and stay on track. They constantly offer me snacks or whatever food they are eating when I have clearly stated what I can and cannot have and how important it is to me to not cheat. :mad: I've been on hCG for the past 3 weeks and have been doing so well, I have a food diary, and I have been using MFP on my phone to track everything. I guess I just need a live person to talk to and keep motivated. :happy:


  • brandy_nurs24
    I understand that...... my problem is work. everyone eats junk food and always tries to push it on me. I'd be glad to offer you some support. add me if ud like :-)
  • Glo_8714
    Glo_8714 Posts: 67 Member
    hi! you can add me! i just started MFP tonight. I am doing the same just trying to eat healthy. I recently stopped buying sodas and juices in my home (i have a husband and a 2yr old) so we now drink only water. I am hispanic so I cook mexican/brazilian meals at home. sometimes we go out and we have to grab some Mcdonalds on the go so we won't be starving but i just started choosing whatever is the healthiest such as a side salad instead of a mcdouble and a fruit salad or oatmeal instead of fries and drink water even if im out. i also started Insanity a week im trying to get used to this longterm (eating healthy). whenever you are tempted just think about how you're going to have to put it on your "food calendar" before you eat it. and if you have to have it! just have a bite and throw the rest away:) better than eating the whole thing
  • jasperjesse
    Hello all...! Greetings from S. Korea! Feel free to add me as well, I am human =) I have been using MFP for just over a month. Its really nice to have a buddy to track with.

    My office has a snack bar.... my enemy! BTW. I only go there for the water now. hahah A friend introduce me to the app and was trying the Vegan thing. so.. it gave it a try.

    In addition to the app i wanted to have food/meal stuff at my desk. I picked-up on some SHAKE stuff at the GNC store. It really helps. oh.. and a good multi-vitamin.

    ADD me if you want.

    I don't know much about hCG... Doctor prescribed right?
  • tracyb1227
    Completly understand.....I am not a newbie...been a member for over a year,but I have not been online in several months. I feel like a newbie and really could use some support. Still battling with the same 10-15lbs for over a year now.
  • angelicscars
    angelicscars Posts: 44 Member
    feel free to add me!

    I am on a new journey to a healthier me, taking a totally different approach this time! I struggle at work, i work with an amazing group of people who all seem to be brilliant bakers! They always bring in cakes!
  • Froggie2411
    Hi guys! Thanks for your adds and kind words :happy:

    I forgot to mention that I am on a very strict 500 calorie diet along with the hCG so its especially hard, BUT with the pills its so much better bc it offers a very strong appetite suppressant in it. It's not a miracle fix but it is working for me, down almost 20lbs in 3 weeks...

    @jasperjesse, the original hCG is from a doctor, but I couldnt afford the injections so she recommended a pill form called hCG activator, its not real hcg but somehow makes your body produce it and it feeds from the fat in your body, and I got it from GNC, but you can find it other places too.

    @angelicscars, I love to bake but I always send my goodies to my bf's work lol oopsie!

    my bf's sister lives with us til she finishes her degree and she is always bringing in junk food, and yes she is overweight but doesn't seem to care. She is making me cranky bc she just comes and sits in front of me and starts munching her pizza or hamburgers or ice cream etc... but oh well, when I am back down to 126lbs and she hasnt lost anything I will be the one grinning ear to ear :laugh:

    I have found that not eating sugar whatsoever is helping a ton, I am using Truvia instead for everything, and I bought a food scale to weigh my food, which seems to be a great thing for following calories and diet!

    ok I've rambled enough, just thought I would share
  • seriousgirl
    seriousgirl Posts: 16 Member
    You can add me! I would love to have new friends for support. I log my diet and exercise, but now looking to have the buddy support to keep me going. I am very motivated.