
I've got a sweet tooth and until a couple of days ago I didn't track my sugar until a friend on MFP remarked how she was always over on her sugar. Well turns out that I am significantly over on my sugar intake as well. Does anyone have any tips on how to keep the sugar intake in check?


  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Let me be the first to say, that unless you have something wrong with your blood sugar, as long as you come in under your calories, don't worry about it.

    That being said....avoid any and all processed food, they add sugar to EVERYTHING.
  • I appreciate the feedback. Thank you!
  • I just thought the same thing yesterday!!!! I tried to figure out what I was eating with all the sugar and the majority was my coffee creamer. So, today I changed one thing on my daily food diary and I am under my sugar amount for the day!! I think you need to look back and see what are you eating that contains the most sugar and try to change that. But I am no expert and i am new to myfitness pal :)
  • Great suggestion - thank you!
  • I think it's important to figure out where your sugars are coming from. I'm often over on my sugars, but have noticed that most are coming from the fruit I eat.

    I know that sugar is sugar, but at least for me, I'd rather know I'm going over by eating fruit than eating processed junk.
  • Thanks so much for the suggestion that I check to see if the sugar is from fruit (natural sugar) or it's from "processed junk." I find that I have both. I eat fruit as well as things I probably shouldn't be having. I guess it's all about making new habits and better choices.
  • Habits are hard to break and hard to make. I still allow myself a treat here and there of the processed stuff. Take last night for instance - someone would have ended up strangled if I didn't get a cupcake. :)
  • :smile: I've had those days too!
  • I've been waaaay over on my sugar every day since I started tracking with MFP. Today for example I was over my sugar recommendation by 11 AM. 1 cup vanilla Greek yogurt, 2/3 cup mixed berries and 1/4 cup granola for breakfast combined with a cup of chunked pineapple for a snack and I was already at 47 grams of sugar for the day. I think MFP should develop a way to differentiate between ADDED (Free) SUGAR (processed sweeteners or additives) and NATURAL SUGARS (naturally occurring fructose, sucrose, and lactose). Otherwise everyone naturally freaks out when they see they're 50 grams over their recommended sugar intake for the day.
  • Tanya_IP
    Tanya_IP Posts: 62 Member
    I've been waaaay over on my sugar every day since I started tracking with MFP. Today for example I was over my sugar recommendation by 11 AM. 1 cup vanilla Greek yogurt, 2/3 cup mixed berries and 1/4 cup granola for breakfast combined with a cup of chunked pineapple for a snack and I was already at 47 grams of sugar for the day. I think MFP should develop a way to differentiate between ADDED (Free) SUGAR (processed sweeteners or additives) and NATURAL SUGARS (naturally occurring fructose, sucrose, and lactose). Otherwise everyone naturally freaks out when they see they're 50 grams over their recommended sugar intake for the day.

    i always over on sugar do to fruits.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    I don't track sugar because it doesnt differentiate from added sugar and naturally occurring sugar in foods so the limit is ridiculously low. I've gradually cut down on added sugar, so now I have very little or none on a daily basis. I simply don't concern myself with the natural sugar.
  • jedibunny
    jedibunny Posts: 321
    I tracked sugar for a while. Then I stopped... because even when I wasn't adding (I still don't) and wasn't drinking sugary drinks (guilty of that today) I was WAY over from regular food. As someone else said, unless you have a reason to concern yourself with it, like diabetes, don't. Just don't go adding sugar to things and avoid the processed food sugary crap - which I'm also guilty of indulging in from time to time. :)
  • goldengodd3ss
    goldengodd3ss Posts: 47 Member
    Ugh, I struggle with this too! Even my healthiest weeks have an overage of sugar.

    But, now that I am tracking it with MFP, I am now able to see where I consume sugar without even knowing it. This week, I had an ah-ha moment with Starbucks Chai Lattes - a tall has about 26 g of sugar, almost as much as regular cola and way more than half of my recommended MFP sugar intake!

    Sooo...overall, I watch my sugars, but at the same time I am realistic about why I'm over every week (fruit, chocolate, etc) and can take better steps and choices about what I plan to eat. i.e. knowing that I'm close to the MFP target, I won't go for dessert or Starbucks Chai Lattes :wink: