I will lose 6 lbs by April 9

This is mainly to motivate myself. I find it easier to control myself when I announce to the world that I'm going to lose 6 pounds. The goal is pretty realistic, so there's really no excuse for me to slack. So here we go.
Current weight 142.5.
I will check in everyday and update my weight here.

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools


  • kardsharp
    kardsharp Posts: 516 Member
    Good for you! I know that when I am accountable to more than myself I work harder!
  • so i just ate all my calories for the day and it's only 3 pm. grrreat... gonna be a loooong night.
  • Miserably failing currently. Today my scale said 143.5
    1lb up. so 7 lbs to go down now. great.
  • sophy28
    sophy28 Posts: 72 Member
    Keep at it! You will see results soon enough :)
  • thank you! i wish there was a sign that i'm going in the right direction, but my scale is sabotaging me!
  • jazzyc41
    jazzyc41 Posts: 4
    Just continue to work at it . I have those days when im like now that scale cant be right , but just keep at it!
  • thanks! i actually started atkins today, hoping to see some improvement veeerrry soon.
  • ramon357
    ramon357 Posts: 4
    You can do it!! Stick to it!!
  • i have to say I LOVE atkins diet! I dont even think about food anymore, never hungry, never craving. And i feel much more enrgized. This weekend i learnt a lesson though - no drinking alcohol on low carb diet. Seriously, don't do it.
    I lost 1 lb so far, but it would have been 3 if i hadn't drank alcohol. Oh well, lesson learnt, move on and keep at it. i have two weeks and 6 lbs to go.
  • Meliklotz
    Meliklotz Posts: 66 Member
    so i just ate all my calories for the day and it's only 3 pm. grrreat... gonna be a loooong night.
    go do some cardio for an hour or so and then you can gain back calories for dinner!
    Don't give up!
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    3 lbs lost a week, at your weight? That sounds dangerous.
    Don't over do yourself.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    good luck and stay focused..you can do this!
  • So my low carb efforts are paying off, I feel way leaner than a week ago and even though I don't know my weight (roommate moved away with the scale) I feel like i lost weight. I am going to get a scale soon and measure it exactly.

    But i feel good, there's always lots of carb counting and MFP checking before eating anything but I'm pretty happy with this diet, as I barely think about food and I love that.
  • I creeped up to half goal. :) this new number 3 looks soo good :) baby steps to the goal.