1.6 Lousy Pounds! Hmph



  • terriwpg
    terriwpg Posts: 11 Member
    On the biggest loser..they also work out 6-8 hours a day..and eat not too much..don't be fooled. Even last night..they said she was spinning for 6 hours. It's not "REALITY" tv lol. Cue chimes.. "the more you know" :)
  • ReneeElizabeth26
    Well on Biggest Loser they are working out like 8 hours a day. Its sad but a lot of them gain it back because once they go back to their normal lives they cant work out 8 hours a day.
    p90x is a work out program. its 12 dvds that are about an hour long each. Its a super intense work out to help lose weight and get in great shape. I LOVE it but it does give ya a beating. I just completed my first week...Its def worth looking into!
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    1.6 is very good in my book. I aim for one a week. But I also net around 1900 calories a day. Are you eating your exercise calories? Keep in mind, the faster you lose a lot of weight, the more amount of muscle mass you are going to lose. I try to lose slowly to preserve my lean mass.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    Thanks everybody...and for those who want my 1.6 pounds lost Ive decided to keep it :) When i set up my profile it told me to stay at 1200 cal a day thats why I am doing that. I am not hungry though...its not like I am starving myself or anything...I guess its just trial and error..I appreciate everyones feedback though!! And Im looking for motivated friends too...add me if youd like!
    If you read the paperwork that comes with p90x they recommend at least 1800 calories a day. You won't be able to sustain the workout on that few calories. You can do what you want of course but you will not benefit from the program the way it was written and the way it was meant to be used if you don't follow it. Of course this is just my opinion. But I think the research and recommendations of the program are pretty solid and should be followed. Eating that few calories on such an intense workout will not let you build the muscle you should build and lose the fat you want to lose. Not to mention you could get dizzy and lightheaded as you go along in the program and that is just not fun. If you do not have the book here is the fitness guide http://p90xblog.co/documents/p90x-fitness-guide.pdf and here is the nutrition plan http://www.teambeachbody.com/home/-/dl_get_file/32ea4c06-2287-4660-8adc-8db758929d28. The info about what you need to eat is on page 3 of the nutrition plan. I don't claim to know it all about the program but I have been reading up on it since I plan to start it soon.

    BTW 1.6 is an awesome loss. If you lost that much every week you are on the program you'd disappear :^D

    Thanks for the links!!!

    No problem. I know it is hard to know what to do without the booklets. My friend gave me her DVDs but could not find the paperwork so I had to look for it online. Not all the pages are there but most are. I printed it all out and read through most of it. How do you like it as a workout so far? I'm looking to start next week. I wanted to start Monday but my kid is so sick he is not letting me do much of anything.
  • msbellzee
    msbellzee Posts: 69
    Well on Biggest Loser they are working out like 8 hours a day. Its sad but a lot of them gain it back because once they go back to their normal lives they cant work out 8 hours a day.
    p90x is a work out program. its 12 dvds that are about an hour long each. Its a super intense work out to help lose weight and get in great shape. I LOVE it but it does give ya a beating. I just completed my first week...Its def worth looking into!

    Oh I did read about how many hours they do a day, crazy!. I'm not sure if we are on the same series here in New Zealand, but the one I watched last night several of them put weight on, one of them 8pounds. I can't help feeling that no matter how much you work out, it's all about what you put in your mouth.
  • ReneeElizabeth26
    Thanks everybody...and for those who want my 1.6 pounds lost Ive decided to keep it :) When i set up my profile it told me to stay at 1200 cal a day thats why I am doing that. I am not hungry though...its not like I am starving myself or anything...I guess its just trial and error..I appreciate everyones feedback though!! And Im looking for motivated friends too...add me if youd like!
    If you read the paperwork that comes with p90x they recommend at least 1800 calories a day. You won't be able to sustain the workout on that few calories. You can do what you want of course but you will not benefit from the program the way it was written and the way it was meant to be used if you don't follow it. Of course this is just my opinion. But I think the research and recommendations of the program are pretty solid and should be followed. Eating that few calories on such an intense workout will not let you build the muscle you should build and lose the fat you want to lose. Not to mention you could get dizzy and lightheaded as you go along in the program and that is just not fun. If you do not have the book here is the fitness guide http://p90xblog.co/documents/p90x-fitness-guide.pdf and here is the nutrition plan http://www.teambeachbody.com/home/-/dl_get_file/32ea4c06-2287-4660-8adc-8db758929d28. The info about what you need to eat is on page 3 of the nutrition plan. I don't claim to know it all about the program but I have been reading up on it since I plan to start it soon.

    BTW 1.6 is an awesome loss. If you lost that much every week you are on the program you'd disappear :^D

    Thanks for the links!!!

    No problem. I know it is hard to know what to do without the booklets. My friend gave me her DVDs but could not find the paperwork so I had to look for it online. Not all the pages are there but most are. I printed it all out and read through most of it. How do you like it as a workout so far? I'm looking to start next week. I wanted to start Monday but my kid is so sick he is not letting me do much of anything.

    I LOVE the work outs but they kick my *kitten* for sure. I just finished my first week. My friend burned the dvds for me and my mom emailed me the program just not the nutrional stuff.