Night Time Munchies

I plan my meals and snacks each day, logging them ahead of time to keep track of calories. Myfitnesspal recommends I eat 1210 calories per day to lose one lb. a week. Does this seem too low?

I do so well at eating well balanced meals (lean protein, whole grain, dairy, veggies, fruit, healthy fat) throughout the day including 2 snacks. I usually start feeling ravenous before dinner and I feel like I could eat an entire horse! After dinner I still feel unsatisfied. The past two evenings I have been going nuts on food. Today I went over my calories like crazy.

I have lost 10 lbs and have been working really hard, I don't want to blow it.

Any advice?


  • Susicue1
    Susicue1 Posts: 1 Member
    Try chewing sugar free gum - works for me!
  • Logging the calories ahead of time is a good strategy. Since I tend to eat dinner early and stay up late, it works well for me to plan an evening snack so I don't go crazy on the calories. And if I do, like last night, I make up for them the next day!

    Broccoli is pretty filling, and all I have to do is warm it up in the microwave...
  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member
    i eat a bunch of steamed veggies with my dinner ... they make you feel full longer and for a late nite snack i will do a suger free pudding ... usually around 60 calories ... or ill drink a chai tea and add honey to curb that sweet tooth
  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member
    Broccoli is pretty filling, and all I have to do is warm it up in the microwave...

    ditto ^^^ ... i eat lots of steamed broccoli, cauliflower and carrots ... very filling
  • That happens all the time to me! Try munching on ice, or freeze a diet pop, stick a spoon in it and eat it as a popsicle. Its great and keeps you distracted and sasified! If your still having cravings try having sugar free-jello, air-poped popcorn springkled with cinnomon,yogurt, fruit and veggies, or a couple nuts ( try not overdoing it on the nuts, im guilty of doing that alot :laugh: )
  • sferry84
    sferry84 Posts: 6 Member
    Do you make for it the next day by eating less calories or eating different types of foods? I'm afraid if I eat less calories the next day I will feel hungry again and it will be kind of like a vicious cycle.
    I also stay up late so maybe a later snack would help me as well...
  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member
    Do you make for it the next day by eating less calories or eating different types of foods? I'm afraid if I eat less calories the next day I will feel hungry again and it will be kind of like a vicious cycle.
    I also stay up late so maybe a later snack would help me as well...

    no ... you start over the next day you dont eat less
  • sferry84
    sferry84 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the tip, on the veggies. I think I will try preparing more veggies at dinner so I will feel more full. I saw on another post that someone recommended hot tea or decaf. coffee. That sounds mighty nice right now. I think I will try that.

    AND on another post someone recommended splitting their meals throughout the day. Like having half your lunch and then eating the rest later as a snack. I don't feel as hungry earlier in the day, so maybe I will try that as well.

    Thank you for all your support! :smile:
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I used to be a late eater too, hun. I think it's part habit, part hunger. What have you set your weight loss goals and fitness levels too on MFP? It sounds like your calorie allowance might be a tad too low.

    Also, have you tried eating dinner a bit later or going bed earlier? I am a night owl, and tend to feel ravenous if I stay up too late. Also more likely to snack. You can also try eating complex carbs and whole foods - they'll keep you fuller for longer. Oh, and exercise can earn you some calories :)

    Remember, listen to your body as well as MFP. If you're consistantly ravenously hungry, either you need to up your cals or change your eating routine/types of food you eat.

    Good luck and hope this helps :)
  • sferry84
    sferry84 Posts: 6 Member
    Good luck and hope this helps :)

    It does. Thank you! :flowerforyou:

    I bumped my goal down to 1/2 lb. loss per week which brings my calorie intake up to 1400 per day. This seems more realistic for me for right now. Perhaps with exercise I will lose a bit more.

    Also joined a group. Sounds promising.
  • sferry84
    sferry84 Posts: 6 Member
    The group is called Calorie Control!

    The challenge is 3 weeks under calorie goal. Starts Monday, April 2nd. In case anyone is interested? :smile: