Almost 40 & trying again to lose weight

I just signed up today for this. I have 2 daughters, the youngest of whom is 8 weeks old. I want to lose weight not only for myself but alsoto set a good example for them. I do not want to turn 40 as an overweight, miserable woman (I have 4 months until I turn 40). I want to be a fit, fun-loving mom that my girls will be proud of. I have lost weight in the past only to gain it back as I'm sure is the case for countless others. I wish everyone fighting their weight the best. Wish me luck - I want this to be the last time I face having to lose weight.


    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. This site is awesome, you will love it here if you don't already. I :heart: it here. This site is so supportive, helpful, motivational, easy to use, and everyone here is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to tell you that I wish that you have great success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • jamieguin
    jamieguin Posts: 14 Member
    I hear you. I am 43 and trying to get down to my prepregnancy weight and beyond before my eldest son turns 13. After having each of my kids, I dieted down to my prepregnancy weight on Atkins and South Beach, only to regain it. I am hopeful that MFP is the answer. For me, it is the first time in 5 years that the scale has gone downward. Best of Luck and go for it.
  • lnheller
    Welcome! I signed up about a week ago and I love this. I am 36, mom of 3 and struggling with losing weight. This site has helped me so much because I can see the progress. I run everyday and that helps so much because I can use those burned calories to add to my total. And I didn't start running until last year. I stopped in December 08 (due to surgery) and started back this past June. I didn't lose even an ounce until I started tracking what I eat. I have lost at least 3 pounds this week. Anyway, this is a great thing and I really hope it works for you! Keep us all posted!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member

    I love this site. I have never had the success that I have had with this site. The big difference for me is the emphasis on exercise and then eating those calories!:laugh:

    I am good at the calorie limit part but in the past I hated exercising. Now I love it.

    I think the older you get the harder it is to take it off but at 45 it is coming off...slowly at times, but it is working.

    Best of luck!