Tone up / Shape upshoes



  • biznoche
    biznoche Posts: 43
    I really liked mine at first and noticed soreness in different muscles. I wore them for a year, and I think after awhile they didn't really work anymore. Eventually it got to the point where I couldn't wear them anymore because they were starting to hurt my legs, and not in a good "feel the burn" sort of way. I don't know why. For as expensive as they are, I would find some good back stretching exercises on the net and do a few of those everyday instead. You'll always hear mixed reviews about the shoes, I think the're probably different for everybody.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    The con is that people are more likely to go out and walk thus burn calories and use their leg muscles... they have slight instability which means they'll force your small muscles to work harder and get stronger... you'll feel a burn because you're out consciously walking for exercise!!!
  • InstantSunshine
    InstantSunshine Posts: 355 Member
    I've got the FitFlop version that look like lace up plimsolls. I had plantar fasciitis and was sick of the hard plastic insert I was wearing in my shoes.

    I don't think I believe all the claims, personally, although I followed the recommended "breaking in" procedure (that's you, not the shoes!) of just wearing them round the house for a day to get used to them. I have to say, the next morning I did wake up with an achy bum as though I'd been working out.

    But mainly, I don't think they've made a difference. I walk a lot anyway and always quite fast (to the station in the morning, and I've always left it too late, so am rushing).

    They are without a doubt the most comfy and supportive things for that and I wouldn't go back to anything else now - but just appreciate them for what they are, and don't let them tell you they'll give you amazing pins. You'll have to do that bit yourself!

    PS, the plantar fasciitis has totally gone, though. I'm not saying it was the shoes - but they may have helped...
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    I have plantar facitis, and for anyone who has this in their feet, will testify that walking or jogging is nearly impossible. Sketchers, or any other type of 'rocker bottom' shoe is the only thing that will help, (not including Dr recommended items) I have had this condition for years in my right foot. These shoes have been the only thing that has made it possible for me to work out again, and with out them I would not have been able to lose 38 lbs!! And while the lawsuits are there, please keep in mind, that those person probably expected to loose lots of weight, and didn't think to reduce their calories, and exercise as they were supposed to. But for anyone with feet issues, these shoes will fix it, I swear by them!

    this ^^^

    I bought these at Costco because they were cheap, and heard they are comfortable for people with high arches. They are GREAT for walking or standing, but I wouldn't feel comfortable jogging in them. I have heard that other people with high arches that spend the day standing in their job find them to be a lifesaver. I would not buy these as a "miracle fix" to tone you more than you would by walking alone; however, if it means that you would walk where you otherwise wouldn't, they're great!