Unexpected yumminess

This morning I wake up super hungry and craving a nice big bowl of cinnamon flavored oatmeal. I grab my pot boil water pour my old fashioned oats and head to the fridge to get the butter and can milk. Only to find out that I have no butter/margarine/I Cant believe its not butter as well as no can milk or regular milk, My lovely bf had used the last of both last night. So whats a poor hungry girl to do? After some hard searching my cabinets I find a nearly expired bottle of great value buttered flavored syrup. (feel free to cringe :tongue: ) But oh yes I definitely poured some on my oatmeal. It was different but not bad at all. Something that I might look into doing on a regular basis. The syrup wasn't all that bad calories wise just a little high in sugar, I'm thinking a light version might taste just as well.

But my question to you is what are some of the unexpected/accidental things that you've cooked that actually turned out pretty tasty?


  • luvsoda
    luvsoda Posts: 5 Member
    1 cup of brown sugar (firmly packed)
    1 cup of water
    simmer disolve for 15 min add 1 teaspoon of maple extract flavour

    this sits on my counter (in my syrup container of course as no one can tell the difference) and is used often (every morning on my 1 cup of steel cut oats and 1/4 cup of 1% milk)

    I just use the Aunt Jemima calories but know it is a better choice I make it probablly once a month when I make up a big batch of whole wheat pancakes (half flour of whole wheat and half white) freeze them like pop up waffles. Good for kids I can't say I eat them often.

    Good question hope you get more answers.