Eating more calories, but gaining weight

I'm getting so frustrated. I decided to try eating more calories, getting closer to my goals of 1200, and I gained weight??? Not sure what I'm doing wrong. It's making me crazy. Not to mention my BF has to eat around 5000 calories a day just to maintain his weight. So always eats Mashed Pot. with Gravy...all the bad stuff. I try to fix two different meals, but last night he fixed dinner and it was Clam Chowder...I gained, and didn't even go over my calorie goals...HELP!!!


  • menard2530
    menard2530 Posts: 14 Member
    I won't post the same thing here, but I did just post on your status update if you want to give it a gander :)
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    If you just ate a clam chowder, it could've been pretty salty so you could be retaining water.

    I'd also make sure that you're logging absolutely everything, including fruits, vegetables, any creamer in coffee, butter/mayo on sandwiches, etc. and measuring your food.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    If you're only eating 1200 calories a day, you aren't gaining weight unless you're 80 years old and in a coma.

    Don't eat high sodium foods if you want to see gains on the scale, but know that it is only water weight/bloat.
  • Charismasme2
    Charismasme2 Posts: 118 Member
    I have been careful about logging everything in. I don't eat sandwiches, and can't stand condiments like Mayo. I've been staying away from dressings, this last few days, and using salsa instead. Yesterday I ate 1131 calories, and gained. I've decided to stay off the scale until Sunday and see what happens. The weather is to crappy to get out and walk, so am going to do the Wii fit, and do some squats and lunges on the porch. See what happens by Sunday.
  • kath20lbs
    This question is a bit opposite but I'd like to understand why mfp says to eat 1340 cals a day (without exercise) when it also tells me my bmr is 1363. Shouldn't i eat 1363, plus exercise cals? I noticed some posts about more cals helping to lose weight.
    Maybe I'm totally confused.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    This question is a bit opposite but I'd like to understand why mfp says to eat 1340 cals a day (without exercise) when it also tells me my bmr is 1363. Shouldn't i eat 1363, plus exercise cals? I noticed some posts about more cals helping to lose weight.
    Maybe I'm totally confused.

    MFP simply calculates your maintenance level and subtracts according to your desired weight gain. It doesn't directly take BMR into account.
  • Dare2Believe
    Dare2Believe Posts: 140 Member
    I don't think you are eating enough calories. I started doing that in the beginning, however, when I upped my calories to almost 1500 after reading several posts on here I started losing more. I would up your calories a bit more for a couple weeks and see if that helps. Give your body time to adjust.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I have been careful about logging everything in. I don't eat sandwiches, and can't stand condiments like Mayo. I've been staying away from dressings, this last few days, and using salsa instead. Yesterday I ate 1131 calories, and gained. I've decided to stay off the scale until Sunday and see what happens. The weather is to crappy to get out and walk, so am going to do the Wii fit, and do some squats and lunges on the porch. See what happens by Sunday.

    I hope you didn't see my post as an attack -- many people forget little bits here and there, so it was meant as a 'if you're not already doing this, make sure you are'

    I would blame water weight from the chowder at this point.
  • irisberry
    The same thing is happening to me I upped my calories since it kept saying I was in starvation mode and I gained back the 10lbs I lost and I am excersing every day. I don't get it :(
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Don't weigh in every day. The scale "lies". You should really only worry about what it says once a week or once every two weeks.

    With that said, you can expect to gain weight if you have been eating under 1200 for a while and then increase your calories. You really need to give it a couple of weeks.

    But also, be honest with yourself about what you are eating. Even though you only had around 1100 yesterday and the day before, did you have 3000 on Saturday? I only ask becuase sometimes it takes the weight a week or so to "catch up" to you.

    My advice, would be to keep tracking as you are. Start netting at least 1200 calories and give it a few weeks before making a judgment.
  • Charismasme2
    Charismasme2 Posts: 118 Member
    No, of course I didn't see it as an attack...sometimes we don't think of's good to see people that are willing to help.
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    I was doing 1200 cal, most days and not eating back my cal. Got stuck and increased my cals and decreased my exercise. I am on the move again.. I did gain a couple lbs but within a week lost those and 1 more. You have to listen to your body and give everything some time to regulate. It is working for me, and THAT is truely a miracle!
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    If you've been undereating, it is normal to gain weight when you increase calories as your body replenishes its' reserves. It will come back off once your body realizes you're going to keep feeding it adequate amounts.
  • HotBodUnderConstruction
    I ate a lot of food yesterday...and this morning I weighed myself and I gained TWO POUNDS OVER NIGHT.


    I promise you...the weight gain is just water retention (I ate too much sodium/very little potassium) it will normalize itself after a couple of days. What you are observing in the scale is not actual weight gain from fat. You would need to eat 3500 above your TDEE in order to do that :)
  • medennison123
    medennison123 Posts: 191 Member
    "Eating more calories, but gaining weight"

    more calories could be a caloric surplus which leads to weight gain. Try setting some goals and planning ahead.
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    I had a lot of problems like you are having and discovered that certain foods were causing me problems. So I would suggest looking at what happens when you eat them. For me, because I have Celiac Disease, if I eat something wrong, I see a huge gain in weight overnight. That tells me to avoid that food.

    Also, maybe you could cut whatever you all are eating in half and add a salad. That way he gets what he needs and you get less of it.

    One of the things I did at the beginning is fill my plate with salad and eat it first, then eat the other items. I found I ate much less of the bad stuff and eventually craved veggies over the bad stuff. (bad meaning not the best choice - not you are bad)

    Also, maybe drinking a glass or two of water before you meal will help to. It will flush things out more quickly.

    Anyway, good luck.:smile:
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    it could be that your body just takes a little time to adjust. i told a few people here to eat more, but not to step on a scale for like, two weeks, because thats how long it'll take to adjust.

    results are there, and now one particular girl (my online bff) is eating something like, 2300 cals a day
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    What are you eating that it's more calories? ... Try cutting down your carbs, are you watching your sodium?

    Sometimes eating more calories does not work, maybe try eating only 1/2 your exercise calories, or 1/3 ... play with it and see how your body responds, not everyone's body is going to be the same and respond the same way.
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    not sure if i understand you up'd to 1200? if that's the case i think you've scared your body into thinking its starving and now that your eating more its gunna hold those calories because it doesn't know when your going to feed again this well. you should be eating at least the min of what your body needs to function, which is your BMR and net them which means if your BMR is 1500 and you workout and burn 300(1500-300=1200) 1200 is below your BMR you would eat those burned calories back. i was confused for sometime on this, because its hard to believe eat more to lose but i too started out with the 1200 and it only worked for about a month and a half and then stalled me out for a month. EAT YOUR BMR!
  • Charismasme2
    Charismasme2 Posts: 118 Member
    I do know that I'm very carb sensitive, and always have been. And I'll have to pay more attention to the sodium in my meals. I was reading a post about eating "Clean", and maybe I should try that for a few days. I have trouble finding "snacks" that are good for me that don't add to the sodium..What does everyone think about celery with peanut butter on it...I'm not talking loads of peanut butter, but the 1-2 tbls???