Zumba: Class vs DVDs?

shutter_bug7783 Posts: 34
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm posting in hopes that someone who is familiar with Zumba can help me make a decision... I want to try out a Zumba class and I'm super lucky that one is at a gym about 5 miles from my house. It looks super fun and I love trying new things to change up my work outs now and then. Plus, anything that involves dancing is always fun for me.

My question is... the class near me is either $10/class or join the gym. I work at an Air Force Base as a civilian, so I get FREE gym privileges. Whoot! Hard to beat that, don't you agree? Too bad they don't currently offer any Zumba classes. Maybe I can sweet talk the instructor (who seems nice) into looking into doing some classes at the base? Worth a try...

Anyway, I don't really want to pay for a gym membership if I already get to use a really well equipped gym for free and I'd only be using it for the use of the Zumba class. Also, I'd only be able to make one class out of each week with my current work schedule. And chances are the membership isn't going to be cheap.

Which means I'm stuck between just paying for each class I attend or paying the one time fee of $60 (not including shipping/handling/taxes) to own the DVDs and do it at home. I don't mind paying the $10/class, but after I take 6 classes I could have just bought the Zumba system. I'm just afraid that after buying the DVDs and doing them for two or three months, I'll have it all memorized and it will become too repetitive for me. Whereas taking a class with a Zumba instructor would always be changing.

If anyone owns the DVDs, how would you rate them? Did you get (or still get) a lot of use out of them? Or did they get boring after awhile? Are the DVDs a good place to start before attending a class?

So, if there are any Zumba fans or instructors who might be able to push me in one direction or the other, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for any help provided!!


  • talrcat
    talrcat Posts: 97 Member
    A couple things come to mind....
    1. go to your local library. Most have what is called "Interlibrary loans." If they don't have the dvds, they may be able to borrow them from another library in the state for you. This will give you a chance to try them for free.
    2. Search for a lower price. Ebay is a great source. I got my complete set for 25$ with shipping. You may have to be patient-and you may have to snipe at the last moment-to get a good price.
    3. If the instuctor is looking for more classes and it works out that she/he can teach at YOUR gym, maybe you can work out a "finders fee" and get your classes (or at least some of them) for free!

    Good Luck!:smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    How about going to the class once to see how it feels before making any decision. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    After a lot of searching I got the 4 DVD set for $25 from a web site called shopnorthern.com which is run out of Toronto, ON, Canada. I just checked the site and it doesn't seem to have any in stock right now but I'm sure if you surf the net a bit you'll find it for less then $60. I enjoy my DVDs but I also own others so I can mix it up. I'm sure I would quickly get bored with it if I was doing the same one over and over again. I prefer hiking as my main form of exercise but if the weather is too crazy out I work with my DVDs and Wii Fit. I will be joining a gym for the winter months that offers Zumba among other things and I'm quite looking forward to going to the class. I'm sure it's much more fun to do it in person rather then just via DVD.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    Classes are always fun. You see a lot ot the same people every week and will make friends eventually. Other people can help to inspire you to work harder and there's always more room to work and move in class than in your living room at home.

    Also $60 for DVD's is expensive. You can get other latin/dance/cardio DVD's for less.
  • nursegirl79
    nursegirl79 Posts: 146 Member
    I would do both. Looks like it would be 40 dollars a month. Gym memberships usually cost more. You can do the Zumba at home and improve your moves and then have fun in the group setting.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    All this talk inspired me to get off my butt so I just completed the 40 minute advanced Zumba DVD. Thanks for the inspiration.
  • glandis
    glandis Posts: 89
    After you take a class you will not want to do the DVD's alone at home. Unless of course you have the $$ issue. Just try the class and see what you think.
  • NoMoreGorda
    NoMoreGorda Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Shutter Bug...you've received lots of great advise. I'm just replying to say I LOVE ZUMBA!! Go and give it a try, it's such a blast. One thing that I plan on doing, that you might think about as well, is becoming certified. It's jumping a bit ahead - first try it to see if you like it. Taking a class to become certified costs $215 but you could earn that back pretty quick if you became an instructor. Teach it at your gym and only charge $5 - blow your competition away! To see if a class is coming to your area, check zumba.com. Best of luck to you!
  • Hi Shutter Bug...you've received lots of great advise. I'm just replying to say I LOVE ZUMBA!! Go and give it a try, it's such a blast. One thing that I plan on doing, that you might think about as well, is becoming certified. It's jumping a bit ahead - first try it to see if you like it. Taking a class to become certified costs $215 but you could earn that back pretty quick if you became an instructor. Teach it at your gym and only charge $5 - blow your competition away! To see if a class is coming to your area, check zumba.com. Best of luck to you!

    Hi, NoMoreGorda! I know! Tons of good advice! I have to reply like crazy now. Hehe. I think I'm definitely going to give it a try. My schedule just got all crazy, but I'm still hoping to catch tomorrow's class at 5:30pm. From work to the gym it takes about that long! So I hope I can leave early.

    I would LOVE to become a trainer someday. I did dance classes for about 5 years when I was younger and I love dancing in general so I'm sure I could be a good trainer too. Like you said, I should try it out first.

    I went on YouTube and searched for Zumba and came across this one trainer called Heather Rounds from Hickory, NC. OMG! Her class is awesome! You should definitely check the videos she's posted from her classes. It looks like such a blast!
  • All this talk inspired me to get off my butt so I just completed the 40 minute advanced Zumba DVD. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Whoot! Go you! (happy dance)
  • How about going to the class once to see how it feels before making any decision. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    That's the bestest idea ever! I'm going to try and make the class tomorrow evening. Just hope boss will let me leave 20 minutes early so I can make it. The gym is 30 minutes (if traffic isn't bad) from where I work.
  • After a lot of searching I got the 4 DVD set for $25 from a web site called shopnorthern.com which is run out of Toronto, ON, Canada. I just checked the site and it doesn't seem to have any in stock right now but I'm sure if you surf the net a bit you'll find it for less then $60. I enjoy my DVDs but I also own others so I can mix it up. I'm sure I would quickly get bored with it if I was doing the same one over and over again. I prefer hiking as my main form of exercise but if the weather is too crazy out I work with my DVDs and Wii Fit. I will be joining a gym for the winter months that offers Zumba among other things and I'm quite looking forward to going to the class. I'm sure it's much more fun to do it in person rather then just via DVD.

    Based on all the great advice I've been given I'm going to do a few classes. Then go from there.

    I get bored doing the same DVDs over and over. Not that I do the same one day after day. I have all my Jillian Michaels DVDs memorized pretty much. I just know when I'm doing them that I know what move comes next. Not that I ever really get tired of her workouts. For some reason they're always fun even after doing it 20 times.

    I want a Wii! I'm not much for video games, but a Wii just looks like too much fun. Hopefully I can save up for one and get it as a present to myself for Christmas. Sounds good to me.
  • Thanks, Tami!

    I think based on most comments, I'm going to attend at least one class (maybe more) and then go from there. Next class is tomorrow evening. Can't wait!
  • NoMoreGorda
    NoMoreGorda Posts: 10 Member
    OK Shutter Bug...what's the verdict? Did you make it to the class yesterday and if so - did you like it?? Can't wait to hear. Time for me to head for my Zumba. Will check out Youtube, thanks for sharing that.
  • OK Shutter Bug...what's the verdict? Did you make it to the class yesterday and if so - did you like it?? Can't wait to hear. Time for me to head for my Zumba. Will check out Youtube, thanks for sharing that.

    Unfortunately, I didn't get to make it to the class. One of my co-workers called in sick, so I had to close. So I'm going to do my best to get there this next Wednesday! But the same co-worker is off all next week, (sigh) so I might have to close that day too. I hope not. I am determined to make a class!

    Did you get a chance to check out her videos yet? If not, my favorite video/routine is the Cha Cha (fox trot). Although I love them all! Calle Ocho and Krazy are good ones too!The link for the Cha Cha is posted below. Hope it will work!


    Once I take the class (hopefully next Wed) I'll come back and let you know how it went. Thanks for asking!
  • glandis
    glandis Posts: 89
    Hi Shutter Bug...you've received lots of great advise. I'm just replying to say I LOVE ZUMBA!! Go and give it a try, it's such a blast. One thing that I plan on doing, that you might think about as well, is becoming certified. It's jumping a bit ahead - first try it to see if you like it. Taking a class to become certified costs $215 but you could earn that back pretty quick if you became an instructor. Teach it at your gym and only charge $5 - blow your competition away! To see if a class is coming to your area, check zumba.com. Best of luck to you!

    Hi, NoMoreGorda! I know! Tons of good advice! I have to reply like crazy now. Hehe. I think I'm definitely going to give it a try. My schedule just got all crazy, but I'm still hoping to catch tomorrow's class at 5:30pm. From work to the gym it takes about that long! So I hope I can leave early.

    I would LOVE to become a trainer someday. I did dance classes for about 5 years when I was younger and I love dancing in general so I'm sure I could be a good trainer too. Like you said, I should try it out first.

    I went on YouTube and searched for Zumba and came across this one trainer called Heather Rounds from Hickory, NC. OMG! Her class is awesome! You should definitely check the videos she's posted from her classes. It looks like such a blast!

    The Hickory NC girls do have the best you tube Zumba routines! I want to go there just to take their classes..haha!
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