New and Looking for friends

Hello. My name is Sharon. I joined about a month ago, but just recently committed to getting serious with my weight loss. I had lost about 35 pounds last year and sadly have gained most of it back already. :( I was very strict with my diet and exercise when I began and did very well with it all. Since then I have lost my job and have stayed home. That says it all. :/ Just looking for people to support me and keep me on track. I know I can do this...I have before, just need help with the long term! Feel free to add me as a friend and holler at me anytime! :)


  • randilynn113
    randilynn113 Posts: 227 Member
    Hi Sharon!
    Welcome to the site - I've been a member for a while, but recently started holding myself accountable. It has been working well so far! There are a lot of really motivating people on here and I have learned a lot of good info on the boards.

    I'm always looking for more support :) I sent a request!

    Good luck on your journey!!!
  • kellybean14
    kellybean14 Posts: 237 Member
    Hi Sharon! Thanks for reaching out - MFP peeps are all so awesome and I'm sure you'll get a lot of support. I'll friend you and cheer you along!
  • moyaheath
    moyaheath Posts: 9 Member
    Also a newbe... we can cheer each other on