Abs are made in the kitchen? Please explain!



  • tiffanyrose519
    tiffanyrose519 Posts: 107 Member
    Going clean seems to be so much work. And yes I realize the payoff is worth it but for those that started to eat clean how did you do it? How did you make the change over?

    For instance - eating a salad I love to put ranch on it but I put light ranch and I measure it out. Or sometimes I use light honey mustard. I don't think i could eat a salad with nothing on it. What about bread. Do you eat bread but only eat wheat or what low carb bread only?

    And do any of you who eat clean have a family who doesn't want to go 100% clean? How do you balance that?

    I actually like my salad without dressing, if you have enough good stuff on it, you won't notice! But, you could always squeeze some lemon juice over your salad as a dressing. I eat bread, but only the Ezekiel brand.
  • SweetNaughtyLips
    SweetNaughtyLips Posts: 374 Member
    Going clean seems to be so much work. And yes I realize the payoff is worth it but for those that started to eat clean how did you do it? How did you make the change over?

    For instance - eating a salad I love to put ranch on it but I put light ranch and I measure it out. Or sometimes I use light honey mustard. I don't think i could eat a salad with nothing on it.

    I love eating fresh salads with no dressing, but I wasn't always like this. I use to drown my salads in ranch dressing and then I slowly moved to non fat honey mustard, eventually dressing became optional. I truly like the taste of fresh vegetables on a bed of spinach leaves. I'll top it off with either some tuna or grilled chicken.

  • wolfehound22
    The saying Abs are made in the kitchen simly refers to your diet Meaning yes exercise is great, but you'll see your greatest weightloss results be keeping a healthy diet and eating right. There is no food that will give you rock hard abs, but maintaning a very healthy diet along with a good workout routine will.

    Ok on to the other questions, how do you eat clean, well there really isn't a secret here, you just need to force yourself to start making better decisions. Start small, maybe try an every other day thing, one day eat great the next let loose, and then work your way up from there. Light dressing is good, but portion control is more important, just keep checking those cal, and inputing them to MFP, and you will make the transition. It takes time, I wasn't perfect in the beginning, hell I'm not perfect now, but its all about making healthy choice, and building up your will power. just because you start eating healthy, doesn't mean you stil can't let loose now and then, I do it all the time, just have a cheat meal to allow myself to just relax, and then its right back into it.

    Experiment, find healthy foods you like to eat, and then stick with those, then start looking for more and more, and before you know it you will have plenty of healthy choices to choose from. Again there is no secret here, only tips on how to do it, but really it just comes down to you, and how commited you want to be.
  • jessica_johnson2011
    jessica_johnson2011 Posts: 61 Member
    Going clean seems to be so much work. And yes I realize the payoff is worth it but for those that started to eat clean how did you do it? How did you make the change over?

    For instance - eating a salad I love to put ranch on it but I put light ranch and I measure it out. Or sometimes I use light honey mustard. I don't think i could eat a salad with nothing on it. What about bread. Do you eat bread but only eat wheat or what low carb bread only?

    And do any of you who eat clean have a family who doesn't want to go 100% clean? How do you balance that?

    I use a little honey as my salad dressing.
  • Mochadog
    Mochadog Posts: 13 Member
    It's not more work, it's just about making better choices. Cooking for yourself instead of letting manufacturers do the work. All I did was cut out the stuff that I used to eat that was pre-made. I still have dressing on my salad because you need good fats (choose wisely). Fresh meat, veg, fruit and smaller portions of grains like oatmeal.

    Packaged and 'convenience' foods are forbidden in my house. If I can't pronounce or understand the ingredients on the label, I'm not eating it. Period.

    The easiest way to accomplish this is to simply not bring it home.
  • tawnysmom
    tawnysmom Posts: 20 Member
    Bump to mark this thread.
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    I guess I am well on my way then. I kind of figured the answer was eating clean and caloric intake. I feel as though those seem obvious but I guess not to everyone! I wasnt sure if there was something i just was not aware of. I already eat really well. I have an occasional treat here and there and do not deprive myself but I stay within my calories. I exercise 6 days a week and I eat VERY low fat and mostly whole, raw and fresh. Im not big on processed foods. Again, I'm not looking for a total ripped six pack, just my tummy flat again after the babies. I will never have my pre- baby body back, just looking for a wonderful version of my post- baby self. Thanks for all the replies!
  • SBgettingLean
    I'm currently "eating for abs" it is the reason I joined MFP. I used to be a raw foodist, i ate all raw fruits, veggies, nuts, and seeds, and the occasional raw animal product. I lost excess weight but still couldn't see my abs and had a softness around my midsection. Recently I started working out pretty hard at an MMA gym so I thought it was about time to switch up my diet to compliment my workouts. My bikini bodybuilder friend recommend I try low carb, high protein. It's been almost 2 weeks since and my mid section has gotten noticeably leaner! I'm starting to see ab definition FINALLY!

    I cut out almost the fruits (except on cheat days) I eat mostly veggies (steamed and raw) fish, shrimp, eggs, nuts, nut butters, and sometimes oatmeal or whole wheat bread. I cut my carbs down to 80-120. But i don't beat myself up if I have a 145 carb day. It's better than the amount of carbs I used to eat (3-400!!!)

    also I allow myself a CHEAT DAY. 1 day a week, mine is on Saturday. And I allow myself to eat whatever I was craving throughout the week. It's a delayed satisfaction, and keeps the rest of my diet clean. Plus, the cheat day spikes my metabolism so my body doesn't get used to the intake I have throughout the week and it goes into fat burning mode for the next week! I was scared the first time I did cheat day, scared that I ruined all of my progress, but the next day I was working out hard, feeling great, and only getting leaner!

    Abs truly are made in the kitchen.
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    Also, I keep hearing low fat, don't be afraid of good healthy fat, you need it to burn fat. I used to keep my fat at around 25% of my daily foods and bumped it up to 30-35% and am losing faster. This is especially true if you have an office job in which you sit around a lot (like I do).
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    I'm currently "eating for abs" it is the reason I joined MFP. I used to be a raw foodist, i ate all raw fruits, veggies, nuts, and seeds, and the occasional raw animal product. I lost excess weight but still couldn't see my abs and had a softness around my midsection. Recently I started working out pretty hard at an MMA gym so I thought it was about time to switch up my diet to compliment my workouts. My bikini bodybuilder friend recommend I try low carb, high protein. It's been almost 2 weeks since and my mid section has gotten noticeably leaner! I'm starting to see ab definition FINALLY!

    I cut out almost the fruits (except on cheat days) I eat mostly veggies (steamed and raw) fish, shrimp, eggs, nuts, nut butters, and sometimes oatmeal or whole wheat bread. I cut my carbs down to 80-120. But i don't beat myself up if I have a 145 carb day. It's better than the amount of carbs I used to eat (3-400!!!)

    also I allow myself a CHEAT DAY. 1 day a week, mine is on Saturday. And I allow myself to eat whatever I was craving throughout the week. It's a delayed satisfaction, and keeps the rest of my diet clean. Plus, the cheat day spikes my metabolism so my body doesn't get used to the intake I have throughout the week and it goes into fat burning mode for the next week! I was scared the first time I did cheat day, scared that I ruined all of my progress, but the next day I was working out hard, feeling great, and only getting leaner!

    Abs truly are made in the kitchen.

    I guess as I go along I will have to start reevaluating my carb and protein intakes. Thanks for all the info!
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    My abs are starting to show through and I DO NOT eat clean. I eat what I want and when I want. You do not have to eat clean to get abs. Just lift heavy weights and eat at a moderate deficit
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    My abs are starting to show through and I DO NOT eat clean. I eat what I want and when I want. You do not have to eat clean to get abs. Just lift heavy weights and eat at a moderate deficit

    Do you do cardio too?
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member

    For instance - eating a salad I love to put ranch on it but I put light ranch and I measure it out.

    A little off topic, but...

    Lite and fat-free ranch dressings are gross. I've tried a LOT of them and they have that weird aftertaste...disgusting. Use the real stuff, just watch your portions.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    My abs are starting to show through and I DO NOT eat clean. I eat what I want and when I want. You do not have to eat clean to get abs. Just lift heavy weights and eat at a moderate deficit

    Do you do cardio too?

    Nope very little. Some zumba with my friends just for fun, but otherwise I really only lift.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Granted my abs aren't the greatest specimen, I believe that "eating clean" is not a requirement to achieving visible abs. Most people that know me well enough know that I don't "eat clean". I eat lots of snickers, and cheesecake, and pizza, burgers, etc. Even during a cut a eat the foods I love, just less of them.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Also as for the low carb - I eat well over 200g of carbs most days. As high as 400 like on monday.

    Search these guys: Sidesteal, Acg67, fpacudan, gp79

    Good guys, have amazing abs, and eat ice cream or something every night. Not clean eaters
  • Abigaillee15
    my favorite quote is "70% diet, 30% exercise. You can't out exercise a bad diet"

    so true!
  • peachied
    peachied Posts: 117 Member
  • harley0269
    harley0269 Posts: 384 Member
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    Granted my abs aren't the greatest specimen, I believe that "eating clean" is not a requirement to achieving visible abs. Most people that know me well enough know that I don't "eat clean". I eat lots of snickers, and cheesecake, and pizza, burgers, etc. Even during a cut a eat the foods I love, just less of them.

    Granted, you clearly need glasses. Your abs are great. I'm need even looking to be shredded or anything, just want. A flat belly!!! So many conflicting opinions on everything!